Monday, April 19, 2010

Leila Jade Keddington

Just a warning. This is going to be a long post with lots of pictures because, although this sweet baby girl is just 5 days old, we have taken about a million pictures!

Leila, (pronounced Layla, for those who don't know) was born on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 11:46am. She weighed in at 8 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 21" long. Brock and I went to the hospital for a scheduled induction at 6:00am, had the IV and petosin going by about 7:30, water broken at 9:30, contractions really kicking in and getting painful, so epidural at 10:30, ahh, much better. The nurse checked me at 11:30 and we are ready to go! They called my doctor and one contraction and a few good pushes later voila she's here. I have to admit, my whole pregnancy I worried that she was going to be a boy. Not that it really would have mattered, but I really feel like this is our last baby, and I really wanted a girl. Until the doctor said "It's a girl!", and I saw for myself, I wasn't convinced. I got a girl, and she is so beautiful.

Let the pictures begin...

This is the morning of. I'm HUGE!

Here I am just waiting around. I think this is pre-epidural and Brock was making me laugh. I told him not to since my face looks really extra swollen and fat when I laugh, but I couldn't stop. Oh, and I was eating a snow cone. When the nurse told me that was one of my options -ice chips, popsicle, or snowcone - I was so excited! Even at 8 in the morning. I had one every day I was there.

Meeting my daughter for the first time. Neither of us could contain ourselves, and we were both crying.

Getting all cleaned up, and in the picture below if you can't see it, its her weight. 8 lbs 5 oz!

Getting her first bath at the hospital. Such torture.

And here are the proud parents. Again with the laughing. Not a good look for me.

Jace and Nixon meeting their little sister for the first time. They weren't too sure about her at first, but after a little warming up they can't get enough of her! They both just want to see her first thing in the morning, and give her kisses. They are also so nice about making sure that she is covered in all of her blankets and that her purple stuffed bear from Uncle Justin is on her face. She likes it that way apparently. Jace likes to count his kisses to her. Usually around 15 at a time. Nixon likes to kiss her whole face. She is so lucky to have big brothers who love her so much already. We all think she looks a lot like Nixon, besides being so much chubbier than he was. He was born at 6 lb. 14 oz. , so quite a big difference!

She got to meet so many people on that first day. All of her aunts and uncles except Nolan and Treo in St. George, Maria who had school, and Julia who was on a cruise. Her grandma and grandpa K, and even great grandma B. Her great aunt Brenda and second cousins once removed (I think) Chloe and Chelsea. She got to meet her cousins Beckett, Leah, Bella, and Giada. Leah and Bella were in love I think. Leah said she was just beautiful, and when she saw her feet she said they were so adorable. Leah is 5, and just about the cutest thing ever. Here are Leah and Bella holding her.

Here is Brock getting her dressed to come home. She didn't like it very much. Its too cold!

And here is Brock with his little girl. I have loved seeing them together already, and can't wait for the years to come!

Here she is in the car on the way home. You've always got to get the carseat picture, right?

Jace was so funny when we got home. He noticed Leila's green hospital binkie, and went to our drawer of old binkies and got one for himself and Nixon. Silly boys. Oh, and no, Nixon isn't crying. That is him smiling for the camera.

And here she is getting her first home sponge bath. As you can see, she loved every second of it!

And here are a few favorites from her first photo shoot at one day old. The hospital has a service do this for everyone, and I thought they turned out pretty dang cute.


  1. She is so cute and I love the pictures the hospital took, what a cool thing for them to do that! I hope my boys love their lil sis just as much as yours do :) How are you feeling, you look really good for just having a baby!

  2. Congrats again! Such a doll. I love babies with a little chub. That is so nice the hospital has that picture service.

  3. Congratulations she is beautiful! So glad everything went so smoothly :) Let me know if you need anyhting.

  4. I loved the pictures. Sure laughed over the boys with the pinkies in their mouths. She is so cute. Didn't seem to like her bath very much. You and Brock did good!!! Love Mom

  5. Congrats to you and your family! What a beautful baby girl! Seeing your pictures makes me so excited to have my baby. What hospital did you deliver at? I love the picture service. You look so pretty in the ones with Leila.

  6. Awe! Congratulations Jenn! She is so stinkin cute! She has got the cutest little (or should I say big) cheeks! I love chubby babies! She's so adorable! Makes me baby hungry again!

  7. Congrats Jenny and Brock she is GORGEOUS!!! you have a darling family and you are such an incredible mom.

  8. Jen, she is so so so beautiful! It's been a few days and it's all Leah talks about. She even made a present for her. I will give it to you on Saturday when we see you :)

  9. Congrats she is gorgeous. You will love having pink around the house. She will have her daddy wrapped around her finger!!

  10. So happy for you and the safe arrival of that little girl.
    What darling pictures.
    I'm sure your Mom is just dying to get her hands on that little one.

  11. Congratulations guys!! Yea a girl!! She is beautiful!!! Love all her pictures. I'm glad everything went well!!

  12. She is beautiful! Congratulations. I can't believe you have 3 kids! I hope all is going well and you are enjoying your first few days as a family of 5! Those hospital pics they did for you are SO CUTE! How cool that they do that.

  13. ok, LOVE HER! SHe is chubby and adorable!!! Oh my gosh I can't wait to come see her:) Congrats
    Jennie, mom of three- wow, good job!

  14. She's just beautiful! Good job mamma! I love it when babies are big, just means they have a headstart being so healthy! The pictures are gorgeous! priceless.

  15. Congrats Jennie and Brock! She is adorable! Thanks for sharing the cute pictures!

  16. Loved the pictures and commentary Jen. I can't wait to see you all together on Skype. Not being there is dang hard!

    Love you, Dad

  17. oh she is precious, and you look beautiful. how wonderful to have a new little one to snuggle with. im so happy everything went great for you! im sure the boys are in love with her too! too sweet! love the spelling of leila!

  18. She is absolutely gorgeous, and you look gorgeous too!!! Congrats!
