Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

This year for Father's Day all Brock wanted was to sleep in. He ran the Wasatch Back, which is a Ragnar relay race from Logan to Park City. That's 188 miles for those that don't know. He was on a team of 12 people who each ran three legs over a couple of days. Actually, they came in at about 27 hours which is really good. Anyway, he got home around 7:00 on Saturday night, and was exhausted. So exhausted in fact, that when he went to bed at 10:15 he didn't hear Nixon come in at 10:30 with a poopy diaper that was so painful on his poor diaper rash that he was crying. Nor did he hear when Nixon threw up all over his bed at 3:00, or when Jace came in and told us he had to go to the bathroom at 3:30, or when Leila woke up at 4:30 to eat, and then when I laid her back down at 4:45 she decided she wasn't quite full. Then, he didn't hear me as I was walking back to our room at 5:00 and Nixon was so sick still that he needed me to hold him, and tickle his back and arms and legs until he fell asleep in the hallway. This did wake Jace up though, so we chatted until about 5:30. Keep in mind that I am the worst sleeper on the planet, so I was just awake the entire time from 3:00 to 6:00. I figured that at least they'd all sleep in since we were up half the night, but no. Jace came in at 7:30, and in order to give Brock his one present (sleep) I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs. Nixon heard us, and came down, and Leila was next. When Brock finally came down at 11:00 and asked how the night went, I tried not to be mad, but I don't think I hid it very well.
We went and saw Toy Story 3, which we all loved, and then came home for naps. I got about 20 minutes. Then it was off to Brock's aunt Brenda's house for dinner and playing in her big backyard. By this time I was pretty exhausted, and feeling like I might be coming down with whatever bug Nixon and Jace had. Dinner was delicious as usual, and we even had s'mores! They had set up the sprinkler under the trampoline and Jace really loved that.

The boys love watching Brett play with his Iphone.
Here's Brock jumping through the sprinklers to show the boys how fun it is!
Sweet Nixon.

Jace on the tramp.

Leila watching the boys play.

Grandpa and Nix relaxing on the hammock.

It looked so nice, that Leila and I had to get in on the action.
Unfortunately, I was not able to see my dad again this year on Father's Day, but I sent him a card telling him how much I love him and how lucky I am to be his daughter. I hope you know Dad, just how much you mean to me, and I hope you had a great day! And to my father-in-law, how lucky I am to be a part of your family. You are so caring and thoughtful. I appreciate everything you do for our family, and how much you love me and my kids. I am grateful for the example you were, and are to Brock of what a good father and husband is. And Brock, how lucky our kids are to have you as their father. I am so grateful that I get to see that part of you every day. You were made to be a dad, and you are so good at it. I love you all so much, and thank you for all you do to make our world go 'round. Happy Father's Day!


  1. Wow you are awesome to let your hubby sleep in after such a horrible night :( You must have been exhausted! Oh and Leila's dress is adorable (I bought the same one at Target ha ha ha)Great minds think alike

  2. is that the dress i got for her? or did i get her one similar to it? i can't remember. but what a horrible night you had, of all nights, right? that always seems to happen. did you like toy story 3? i took claire to see it and i loved it. we're seeing it again on saturday (not because i loved it so much but because my family's all going and they wanted us to go).

  3. GOod Job Brock on the reace! It was fun seeing you up there!
    I wish I could have slept that long! Darn it - something about being a mom and having to get up with the kids! What a sweet wife you are jennie!
