Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jordan High School Class of 2000, 10 Year Reunion

A couple of weeks ago I had my 10 year reunion. I know, I can't believe it's been that long either! It was actually pretty fun. Catered by Cafe Rio, one of our faves, and emceed by an okay comedian. It was kind of sad though when, at one point, the comedian said, "Let me guess...this table was the cheerleaders." He was right. We just laughed, but I thought Dang! He can tell??? Anyway, we played a trivia game about high school, and those days, and also about everything since then. We each had a buzzer thing with a number on it, and at the end of the first game guess who was in second place? Nope, me! So the kid who was in first (don't remember him) and I went to the front to win our prizes, but first we had to sing karaoke to see which one of us really got the prize. I was totally embarrassed, but sang Abba's "Dancing Queen" and then he sang "I Will Survive". Then everyone voted, and I won! Woo Hoo! Then I found out I had done all that for $10 to Target. Whoopee.
Anyway, it was really fun to see that everyone pretty much looks the same, and I really only hung out with my girlfriends that I see just about weekly, so I had a good time! It will be interesting to see everyone in 10 more years! I wish some more people would have come. There were about 200, but I would have liked to have seen some people that weren't there.

Here are the ladies: Obviously we all wanted to look thin! We're almost all wearing black!

Talitha, Shandra, Lindsey, Lisa, Anna, Me, Jenn, Natalie.

And here we are with our husbands...and Greg. We met at a yogurt place afterwards.

Go Beetdiggers!

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