Thursday, October 14, 2010

September 2010

Well, September came and went, and October is doing the same. I guess I had better get this post up!

My niece Bella turned 4 in September, and we all got to celebrate with her.

Sorry my camera was so crappy!

Here she is! Happy Birthday Princess Bella!

Here is Jace and Nixon watching Jace's team while he was sidelined. So cute!

We went to the Utah State Fair, and the boys had fun looking at, and climbing in all of the tractors.

Here they are with their cousin Beckett.

And, of course, we couldn't miss the big yellow slide! We didn't get a good picture. You can barely see us at the top.

And then here we are at the bottom!

Here is my best helper. I just love this age!

And here's Nixon, and his "smile" face. Adorable.

Here is Miss Leila getting some daddy time. She was perfectly happy until she saw me!

Jace noticed that she was sad, so he came to the rescue. This girl loves her brother so much, he can just walk in the room, and this is her reaction! He loves to do anything to make her laugh.

Then Nixon had to get in on the action, and made daddy laugh in the process!


And where did Jace go!

More soccer.

Our boys really love "naked" time. Okay, we're not weird, they just like to run around for a minute before bath time yelling "Naked, Naked, Naked! Woo-oo-oo-oo!" Okay, maybe we are weird, but its really funny!

Here's Nix running around the island in the kitchen. He sports the tan-line year-round!

Leila tried rice cereal for the first time at about 5 and a half months old! I know, I know, I am a slacker! The pediatrician said that the American Pediatrics Association (or whatever they are) recommends not starting food until they are 6 months, so I went with that! I wish. I am just lazy, and she sleeps fine through the night. With the boys, I started them both at 4 months because I thought it would help fill their tummies longer, and help them sleep through the night. Leila has been such a good sleeper, that I am fine waiting. She has gotten better though, since we first tried it. I guess now that she is 6 months, I should start fruits and veggies too!

See ya next month! Oh wait, it is next month. See ya when I see ya!


  1. I can tell how much she loves her cereal. NOT!!! Loved your post sweetie. Made my day!

    Love Mom

  2. So cute. She is precious...and looks a lot like Nixon :) Thinking of you. Love you.

  3. Naked time! Ha ha! Now, I know why your blinds are always drawn! Just kidding. Too funny. I love seeing Jace be such a good big brother and feed his sister. It just melted my heart.
