Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jace is 5!

I can not believe that I am the mother of a 5 YEAR OLD! I took Jace to his 5 year well check on the 4th, and he is 39 pounds and 41 inches tall! (both are the 25th%) He had about 20/25 vision, and was really brave while he got his kindergarten shots, all 3 of them! Jace is such a good boy, and really a joy to have around. It is so much fun to talk with him, and have real conversations about real things with him. He is such a good big brother, and can make Nixon and Leila laugh harder than anyone else can. That is his goal in life - to make anyone and everyone around him laugh. He's pretty good at it too! He is the class clown in school and in church, and he can and does make friends everywhere we go. He is growing up so fast, and has taught himself to read! It is one of the most amazing things Brock and I have ever seen. We will be watching TV and he will ask, "Dad, who are we cheering for, Texas?" We have bought him several beginner reading books, and are amazed every time he reads to us. How did this happen? One day he was sounding out letters, and the next he was reading entire books! Brock still gets teary-eyed every time. I just love watching my kids grow up! It's a little bit sad, but I am mostly so excited as they get older, and I love watching them learn new things.
We got to celebrate Jace's birthday 2 nights in a row with family and friends. First, on Sunday October 3rd, his actual birthday, we had our families come over to our house for cake, ice cream, and presents.

Here I am with my favorite 5 year old!

And here's Leila while everyone was eating.

Jace's cousin Beckett keeping Leila company.

He really wanted a skateboard. Good thing he's not spoiled! Oh wait...

Love my Nixon!

Then, on Monday, the 4th after his check-up we got to go with a bunch of his friends to Kangaroo Zoo. The kids had so much fun! They were all red-faced and sweaty when we came in for dinner.

Then it was time for cupcakes!

Then it was present time! Here is is with his friend Cole.

Watching Jace open presents.

The Kangaroo even came to visit the kids and tell Jace Happy Birthday!

He even gave Jace a shirt!

Leila was enjoying some cuddle time with grandma.

Then it was off for some more playing! We had the place to ourselves, and it was so much fun!

Then Brock had to get in on the fun.

The little miss woke up and got to be held by Jace's friends mom.

Then all the kids turned on Brock and tackled him!


  1. Happy Birthday Cutie!!!

  2. Looks like a great party! I still cannot believe he's 5. Happy Birthday to Jace!!

  3. Looks like such a fun party. I love the pictures below of Jace making Leila smile, so cute! Oh and I also barely started feeding Adeline solids...I slacked too. Oh well she is fine and still chubby ha ha ha. Oh and cute blog background, love it!

  4. Guess it's been awhile since I checked your blog. Loved both posts (Sep and Oct). Less than 2 WEEKS!

  5. Aw, Jace is 5!!!! I bet it IS so weird having a 5 year old. I think it's so weird having just a 3 year old who can speak and have her own ideas, etc. i love watching them grow up, though. it's so much fun. glad his birthday went well!
