Sunday, November 7, 2010

October 2010

Well another month has come and gone. And yet again, I am behind on posting about it. At the beginning of the month, one of my best friends from high school was running the St George marathon. What better excuse for a girl's trip, right? Lindsey flew in from California on Thursday, and Stephanie, Jenn, Alisha, Lindsey, and I headed on down. We spent the weekend chatting, eating, laughing, crying (somehow we always end up crying), running, and not sleeping!

Here we are at dinner. We met up with one of our friends from high school that lives there, Valerie.

Here are Jenn and I waiting for Lindsey to run past. Alisha and Stephanie met her at mile 16 and ran with her to mile 23 where we are. Jenn then ran with her to the finish. I drove.

Here she is! She looks a little too happy for mile 23, but I hate running, so maybe that's just me!

Yay Lindsey! She ended up beating her PR by like half an hour! She came in at 3 hrs 55 min.! AWESOME!

Frozen yogurt.

Being crazy in the car. We were seriously laughing so hard! ...guess you had to be there.

Sushi dinner. Why does everyone but me love sushi. Yuck! Okay, its not the grossest thing in the world, but I would way rather have a steak and baked potato!

Stephanie is a professional photographer, and she did a photo shoot with us. It was really fun. Here are some of the pics. She also did my family pictures which are all over this blog. If you like them, you should check her out.


Our Photographer herself! Stephanie


Jace's 5th birthday was on the 3rd, the day I got home from St. George. I already did a birthday post, but I'm not sure why I didn't include all of these pictures.

Brock made sure that Jace had a great birthday morning. Here are the kids watching cartoons. Phineus and Ferb, if Jace had his way. (Jace always gets his way, who am I kidding)

Brock got fancy with the pancakes. The boys loved it.

Brock had to make the cake(s) as well. He did a good job! So cute!

All the kids loved it because they all got to blow out candles. That's always an issue at birthday time.

Nixon and Beckett

Jace and Bella

Brett, Randy, Brock, and Grandma Bills

Chloe, Shauna, Kallie, and Brian

Justin, Maria, Dane, Annie, and Giada

Here are my silly boys. They'd never wear clothes if they didn't have to! Jace is chilling in Leila's bumbo playing Indiana Jones, wearing his Indiana Jones hat.

Close-up. He's serious. Oh, and he IS wearing underwear, you just can't see it!

And my sweet Nixon. He wants to do everything Jace does. So he's got a hat on too.

Brock's uncle Brian recently found out that his Chemo and radiation treatments are not working the way they should be. He has been told that its "just a matter of time". He could have weeks. It could be months. He is very weak, but we have tried to plan activities that he can do with us. We went up to the mountains and made s'mores. One of his favorite things to do is be in the mountains.

Brock, Jace, Nixon, Beckett, and Brett.

Shauna and Brian

Brenda and Grandma Bills. She can't see very well, and probably didn't know I was taking her picture! CHOMP!

Me and the little Miss. I just love this jacket with the ears on the hood!

Me and the girls got together for a witchy party before Halloween. I was the only party-pooper who didn't dress up. My excuse is that I had come straight from Leila's six month well-check up and didn't have time to dress up. Lame, I know. It was so much fun. Alisha planned everything. We had dinner, then went on a road rally and had to go to a bunch of fun places and answer clues. We lost, but since their answers were wrong, we WON! Woo Hoo! Then we played more games. I just love my friends!

Halloween week was crazy around here, just like everywhere else I think. It started on Thursday with a little trick-or-treating at the preschool. They go to Woods Cross High School, so they walk around to all the classrooms and get candy. I was working so I don't have any pictures. Boo.
Then Friday was Brock's work party with lunch and more trick-or-treating. Again, I wasn't there, so no pictures.
Brock brought them to my work party after his, and they did some more trick-or-treating. Its just so sad that they hardly got any candy this year. (when will someone create the sarcasm font?)
At my office we had a pumpkin carving contest for each of the teams. Guess who won? My team! Look at how funny this is! This is the sign we had up.

And here's our cute pumpkin

Pretty funny right? I wish I had come up with it, but no. I will partake of the pizza at the pizza party we won though!

Here is the whole family in my cozy little cubicle. Brock was the party-pooper this time. We really are made for each other.

Me and my boss Mindee. Its just us two in the air department.

Then that night, the South Davis Rec Center was having a fun Halloween night. They had all kinds of activities for the kids.
Pin the eye on the monster: No blindfolds, just "keep your eyes closed" Uh huh, nice try. If Jace was taller it would have been right on. Little cheater.

Jace and Brock got to box. Serioulsy, this camera sucks.

Grandpa came and got to hold this cute witch while we took a canoe ride around the pool.

Brock and Nixon, and our paddler.

Me and Jace

Kallie and Beckett on their boat

They all got to go fishing too!

After the rec center fun, we headed over to Brett and Kallie's to eat dinner and carve pumpkins. Brock and I could barely keep our eyes open, so we didn't stay to carve pumpkins. We were seriously in bed by 9:00. Busy day.
Here is a picture of Miss Leila sitting up. Such a big girl!

Then Halloween was finally here! Well, not really, but in Utah if Halloween is on Sunday, we celebrate on Saturday. Here is our sweet witch.

Here they are before heading to Grandma and Grandpa K's house for trick-or-treating. Indiata Jones (Jace's pronunciation) Witchy Lady, and our Powit. (Nixon's pronunciation of pirate) Everyone would ask him, and they thought he was saying parrot. I thought the costume would help them, but no.

Trick or treat! Grandma and Grandpa K's. Nixon had fallen asleep on the way. Hence Brock holding him.

I'm pretty sure everyone who saw this tutu asked me if I made it. Let me make something very clear. I don't make anything. That is not a talent I have been given. My talent is shopping. I bought it, and the bow, and the shirt.

Here they are in our neighborhood.

They got about 5 houses in before it started pouring!

They came in, and thought they were done until one of their best friends came around an hour later. We decided that since it was just sprinkling at that point I'd take them out for some more. Brock offered so kindly to stay home and hand the candy out...oh, and watch the Utah game. Thanks babe! We just went up and down our street, and we got soaked! Jace didn't even care. He could have gone all night. Nixon on the other hand, made me carry him. Fun.

That was our October. Oh, and Brock's sister Kallie had her second baby on the 8th. Griffin Brett Handy. I have not a single picture of him. Sad. I also made a second trip down to St. George with the rest of my family for Kash's baby blessing. Nolan and Treo's little boy. Again, not a single picture. We also got our family pictures done. Love them! There are some all over the blog, but hopefully I can post them all in their own post. Thanks again to Stephanie and Blackbird Photography, she's amazing! We had a busy month, and November doesn't seem any less busy. I guess this is just our life right now!


  1. Great pics! Great post! See you in TWO DAYS!

    Love, Dad

  2. Your fam is adorable, Your photographer is that Levi's wife that does it??? I love the blog and we need to get together!!!!

  3. Sounds like so much fun, and I really enjoyed getting to see all of you when you came down. And I agree, life is not getting any less busy at all! Holidays are nuts! Love all the Halloween outfits, so cute! And Steph did amazing on your pictures!

  4. I appreciate your post, thanks for sharing the post, i want to hear more about this in future

  5. nice pics i enjoyed seeing them keep posting.
    Atishay Jain

  6. So you said something about how there was crying and i thought, "wait, i wasn't there for the crying!" and then remembered that I was the one who started it. haha.
