Sunday, January 23, 2011

Daddy and His Baby Girl

I like to tease Brock by saying that he and Leila weren't really friends until she was about 4 months old. He actually takes offense to it though. It makes him feel bad. All I mean though, is that I was her only source of food up to that point, so I was always with her, and always HAD to be with her. I got up with her at night (if she woke up), and she pretty much needed me all the time. We were still adjusting to having a 3rd child in our house, and the boys were primarily his responsibility. Once I started working though, that all changed. Well, some of it. Leila went to the bottle, and Brock was able to spend more time with her feeding her and just being with her since I didn't have to be. We became mostly adjusted to having 3 kids (do you ever get adjusted to having 3 kids?), and could divide our time amongst the kids pretty evenly. Well, its been 5 months since I started working, and they are best friends now! Leila is so lucky to have such a great daddy. All of my kids are. I grew up having the most amazing father in my life, and I am so so grateful that my daughter will have that too. The father-daughter bond is so special, and its a bond that can't be duplicated.

Here she is laying with him while he plays XBox with Jace. She's such a happy baby.

Jace sure loves his Leila girl too. He wanted pictures with her too!

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