Sunday, January 23, 2011

Leila Loves to EAT!

Leila loves loves loves to eat. Anything and everything. Her latest obsession is graham crackers. I love to give a bunch to her while I work out. She'll sit there completely happy the whole time if she has crackers! She snarfs 'em down too! I give her one, and I swear 10 seconds later it's gone! The first time I gave her one, I looked back over and saw that it was gone so I went over to find it. It was nowhere to be found. She had eaten the whole thing in a matter of seconds! I gave her another and another. Love her! A girl after my own heart!

She's kind of messy when she eats on her own!

When its gone, she'll just sit there and suck the remnants off her fingers.

I could only get her to take her fingers out of her mouth to get a good face shot by showing her another cracker. You can see she is staring at it open-mouthed!

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