Sunday, January 23, 2011


I love my kids so much. Some days are good, some are better, but I am so glad to be a mother. To be THEIR mother.

The other day, I asked the boys to clean their room before they could watch a movie, or play a game, or whatever it was. They were in there for a while. Jace came out and said, "Okay, we're all done cleaning." I told them they could watch their movie. A few minutes later, when I had a chance to check it out, this is what I found.

I guess I know to check on it before giving them the okay! Maybe our next FHE activity will be learning how to clean up properly!

This week while I was at Young Womens Jace made a sign for me, and placed it carefully on my night stand where he knew I'd see it. It definitely made up for the "room cleaning" incident. Love my Jace. And I am so proud of his writing skills!

Love you too buddy!

Then one night I came home to this. The kids all bathed and jammied watching a movie in bed with Daddy. I love my family!

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