Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leila's Birthday

Well, our baby girl turned one on April 14th. I just can not believe a whole year has gone by since she came into our world. She is the light of our lives, and we are so happy she's ours. Her one year appointment isn't for a couple of weeks, so I don't have her stats yet. I'll post them when we get them. She is honestly just the sweetest baby. She is content most of the time, and hardly ever cries. She loves listening to music, and starts dancing as soon as she hears it. She loves her brothers, especially hitting them in the face. They laugh, and she laughs harder. I have just loved having a little girl to shop for and dress up, and I love finally having someone on "my team". She eats all foods, and especially loves everything we're eating. She would rather eat table food than baby food, and we are about to make the change from formula to cow's milk. I'm pretty sure she would eat all day if she could! She has her two bottom teeth, and one on the top. The second top one has looked like it's coming through for the last month, but it hasn't broken through yet. (Brock and I are in Miami right now, and I'm sure that it will break through while we're gone. That's what happened with the last one. It broke through while I was in Malaysia.) We love our Leila girl! In the morning, all of us went to wake her up, and she was waiting patiently for us in her crib. She doesn't even try to sit up ever. She just lays in her bed until someone comes to get her. We all sang Happy Birthday, and she loved it. I had to put this cute crown on her, and she wore it to school. (I say school because we take our kids to the Woods Cross High School Day Care. She's not really in school yet!) Here's our sweet happy girl at school. I always take her in her jammies and bring an outfit for her. That night, once Brock came home from work, we spent the night just as our little family. We put the crown back on, and apparently she didn't like that too much!

Then we showed her her pile of presents, and she was happy again.

Jace and Nixon were nice enough to open her presents for her.

Can't you just feel the excitement!? TANGLED!

Ooh, my very own cell phone!

Chewing on a drum stick.

Justin and Maria had gotten her a unicorn pillow pet the night before, and here she is playing with it. I'm pretty sure I heard her say, "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!"

And chatting away on her new phone.


1 comment:

  1. I almost can't stand being away from this baby girl. I miss her and all of you so much.

    Love Mom
