Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leila's POST Birthday Bash!

On Friday night we got to celebrate Leila's birthday one more time! This time Keddington style with Brock's family. Here she is all dressed up for her party.

She wasn't too happy about me taking out her binky!

Oh, there we go!

Here are some of the decorations.

I made her a big huge cup cake of her very own!

Daddy with his princess.

She was pretty dang happy with her cheesy bread from Papa Johns. Now that she's one, she can have CHEESE!

All her fun presents. Notice she still has the cheesy bread.

Then she decided that since I was taking pictures, she may as well start posing.

Again, we had lots of helpers opening presents.

Getting ready to eat cake!

Um, where's my cheesy bread??

Happy Birthday to YOU!

That looks strange!

I'm not so sure about this.

Okay, if you say so!

Thanks Jace!

And she's off!

She didn't really dig in like we hoped, but she ate a little frosting.

Nixon always likes to eat his cupcakes face first in the frosting.

I guess she's still our little baby. She just wanted to end the night with her bottle.

Thanks to Brock's family for always coming to support us and our family! We love you all so much, and Leila is especially grateful!


  1. She is such a sweet little girl!! Can't believe she is 1 they grow up too fast!!

  2. These were just the cutest!! You really had her dolled up and they house was so beautifully decorated. You are a GREAT MOM!!

    Love Mom
