Saturday, May 7, 2011

Family Night

For family night on Monday we decided that since the weather was finally warm enough to be outside, that we would take the kids to play tennis. Well, we didn't know that they don't put the nets up until summer, so we went to a couple of different parks before we decided to just hit balls. It was probably better that there were no nets!

The boys had a blast, and were actually really good! Brock would bounce the ball to them and they would take turns hitting. They both hit most of the balls! Brock loves to play tennis, and I'm not very good, so he's happy to train our kids to play with him some day.

Leila and I mostly just sat around and cheered them on.

Then, since we were at a park, the boys couldn't go home without playing for a minute. First up was the swings. Leila's first time alone. I think she liked it! She just laughed and laughed the whole time.

The boys love to take turns kicking whomever is pushing them.

Then it was on to the playground.

They both wanted to hold Leila

It didn't turn out so well.

Then, we had to go get frozen yogurt. Jace gave his first talk in Primary on Sunday, and Brock had told him that if he read his whole talk by himself with no help, then he could have a treat. Jace told him that he wanted to go out for ice cream. Well, he did such a great job! He read the whole thing, even all the big hard words, and was so brave! We were happy to take him to get ice cream!

They have a TV on the wall, so that's what they're looking at here.

Leila was glad Jace did such a good job, so she could have ice cream too!

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