Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jace's Primary Talk

Jace was asked to give the talk in Primary on Sunday. I wrote a quick talk for him, and asked him to read it. He had a hard time with the words apostasy, spiritual, personages, and defy. We practiced those words, and he read his talk a few times through before church. I thought I'd copy his talk here, so that we can always remember what a good reader Jace is at such a young age. Grandma and Grandpa K came to listen, as well as me and Brock, and we were all so proud. He stood up there and read:

"The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored.

After Jesus Christ died, the people became wicked and His gospel and priesthood were taken from the earth. This was called the Apostasy, and the people were in spiritual darkness until Jesus restored His church through Joseph Smith."

(at this point I had asked him to turn to me, and I would hold up a picture of the First Vision. He looked up, and didn't know where I was so he looked both ways kind of nervously, and then found me. I held up the picture, and he continued.)

"In Joseph Smith History, chapter 1, verse 17, Joseph Smith says, 'I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other - this is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!'

I am grateful that Jesus restored His gospel through Joseph Smith so that we could have it in our lives today. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

It was such a proud moment for us! I kept thinking how silly it was that we were all tearing up, and that I bet other parents don't do that! (or invite their parents to come!) We sure love our Jace boy, and think he's so smart!


  1. My gosh, I teared up just reading the talk. Love that boy.

  2. I found your blog with google while looking for help writing my daughter's talk. Thanks for posting this.
