Sunday, May 15, 2011

Leila Jade's One-Year Pictures

Leila has now been one for a month now, and just gets cuter every day! She is walking around all the furniture, trying to get up the stairs, walking behind toys and laundry baskets, or anything else she can push around. She loves to stand up and let go of everything and see how happy it makes everyone. She does it over and over. Her longest stint of standing with no help is probably 20 seconds. We think she'll be walking in just a few weeks now. No steps yet though. I have to edit this, and add that she took her first steps last night!! I took her in for her 12 month well check a couple of weeks ago, and she is getting to be such a big girl! She weighed 20 lbs. 3 oz. (25%), she was 30" long (95%), and her head was in the 50%. I also took her to Thanksgiving Point during the Tulip Festival to have her one year photos done. My friend Stephanie West of Blackbird Photography did them, and, as always, did a fantastic job. Leila is usually the best baby, and rarely cries, but I didn't even think to remember how much she hates the feeling of grass! The whole place is GRASS! (Notice in all the pictures with grass, her arms are held up) She cried almost every time I put her down. It was a lot of fun. I finally picked a dandelion to see if that would keep her occupied, and for the most part, it worked! Here are the pictures. I didn't pick just a few because this is my blog, and I love them all! Thanks again Steph, and to check out her stuff go to


  1. OMHECK Jen, how are you going to choose which pic (or pics) for your wall?? Every single one of them are BEAUTIFUL!!! She is THE most amazing little girl. Girls are so different then boys. I have 14 nephews, so that was all that I knew when I got prego with Gabs... I was like, "WHAT THE HECK?? WHERE IS THE PLUMBING?? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A GIRL" when she was born!! (smile). And, I'm always blown away at the growth that happens int he first year.. Youre an awesome mommy Jen... Love you!!!

  2. She is adorable, I can't believe she is 1 already!! She is such a cutie! Love the pics!!

  3. Her mommy didn't like grass either.

    Love the pics,

    Mom and Dad

  4. JENNIE! She is so stinkin cute! I seriously canNOT believe she is 1 already!

  5. Soooooooooooo cute! All of the pictures are adorable. I love all of the faces she is making. Precious.
