Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day morning I slept in, and took a shower, much like my normal Sunday morning routine thanks to Brock always taking the kids. When I got out and dressed though, Brock and the kids came in with a tray full of goodies! Donuts, beautiful flowers, and some fun presents. There was even a fun musical card from the kids. They don't ever just buy normal non-musical cards anymore. I have the whole song memorized because we have listened to it, danced to it, and lip synched with brushes as microphones to it about a million times already. I love my kids.
Here I am fresh out of the shower with my Mother's Day tray of goodies!

And I had to get one with my cute kids!

We got one as we were about to walk out the door for church. I love when they're all dressed up nicely.

Church was great too, even though Jace missed singing with the primary because he was in the bathroom. Brock taught a wonderful lesson in Sunday School to a room full of women since most of the men had been recruited to work in the primary for the day to give the women the day off. He said he liked it better, because there were a lot more comments than normal :) I was even able to go to Relief Society because they had someone in the bishopric teach Young Womens.

We came home, Brock made lunch, I went up and took a nap with the window open listening to the rain outside. It was so nice.

Then it was off to Brett and Kallie's house for dinner. It was delicious, and we also got to celebrate her birthday, which was on Friday. All-in-all, it was a perfect day.

I am so grateful for the blessing I have been given to be a mother. I cherish it, and I just love my kids so much. I am forever indebted to Brock for helping me be a better mother every day by watching the father that he is. He is too good to me, and I know that this day, and every day are perfect because of him.

I am so grateful for my own mother. She is one of the best women I know. She is a beautiful person inside and out, and always genuinely wants the best for everyone. She makes me happy.

I am also grateful for a wonderful mother-in-law, Shauna. She saves me on a daily basis. She watches my children 5 days a week so that I can work, and somehow ends up watching them at least one weekend night as well! If not a whole week or two while I'm on vacation! She comes to almost every one of Jace's games - 3 times a week right now! She is always there to listen when I am complaining or have questions that I can't ask my own mom because it's hard to communicate with her while she's in Malaysia. I am blessed to be a mother, and to have the most amazing examples of mothers all around me.


1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful mother and deserve a perfect Mother's Day!
