Friday, June 10, 2011

Brock's Birthday

Brock turned 34 and we went to Grandma and Grandpa K's for dinner and presents.

Then we headed to Grandma B's for cake and ice cream.

I love this man so much. We have started a new tradition in Brock's family to each say something nice about the person who's birthday it is. Dale said what a great dad Brock is. Brett said the same thing, and that he strives to be the same kind of father Brock is. Always playing with his kids, and always so patient. Kallie said that Brock was always such a nice brother growing up. That when she went to friends houses and saw how mean their brothers were to them, she was always so grateful for such a nice brother. Natalie said the same, that she is so happy that Brock would always let her tag along with his friends, even when they gave him a hard time. She loves that he hugs her, and spends time with her even today. Shauna said that she loves that everyone loves him. When he walks into a room, people's faces light up, and people always love Brock right when they meet him. After meeting Brock, people always say how nice he is. (I wish I had that quality) Then it was my turn. I said that Brock is the most selfless person I know. He will drop whatever he is doing if someone else (anyone else) needs him. Whether it's his family, or mine, work, or church, friends, or neighbors, he is always willing to help, and will put other's needs in front of his own. I am so lucky to be married to him, and our kids are so lucky to have him as their daddy. I love you Brock! Happy Birthday!


  1. I just got caught up on your blogs. Thanks for taking the time. I love that you are enjoying these moments to the max! I wish we had had blogs, facebook, email when you kids were young. Heck, even digital photography would have been nice.

    Knowing how happy you are makes me happy too.

    Love, Dad

  2. Isn't it so great to have awesome guys as husbands?

    Your comment was in no way selfish. I actually feel really humbled that I was able to be of any help or inspiration at all, and your words mean so much to me. What that guy said on Oprah is absolutely true, and I love how he said it. Thank you for telling me that. Thank you for being such a great friend. Can't wait to see you at GNO!

  3. Brock is all the things you said, but you also light up a room when you enter it. I see it all the time. You are just so dang cute and so much fun to be around.

    Love Mom
