Monday, June 20, 2011

Keddington Family Pictures

We got family pictures taken with Brock's family a couple of weeks ago for Dale for Father's Day. They turned out pretty great! These were done by Tracy Layne Photography.

The whole family

Our family

Being silly

Nixon - 3

If you ask him to show you his mustache, this is the face you get. We have never understood why he does it, or what exactly he thinks a mustache is, but we love it so much!

Leila - 14 months

She wasn't too happy about getting her pictures taken this time. We only had her take a few since we just got her one year pictures done recently.

Jace - 5

This is all of the Keddington grandkids. Leila is a little out numbered!

Brett, Kallie, Beckett, and Griffin Handy

Griffin - 8 months

Beckett - 3

Grandma and Grandpa K with their grandkids

All of the adults


  1. Oh more great pictures. I loved them all.

    Love Mom

  2. Cute! Family pictures are so much more exciting once you have kids... and yours are darling. Love the mustache
