Thursday, June 23, 2011

Miss Leila is a Walker!

Crawling is still her preferred mode of transportation, but she is getting better and better at walking, and even does it on her own without us forcing her to try it!
She's still pretty slow and wobbly, but I just love this stage!

She gets so excited, and throws her hands up in the air!

Giving Jace bunny ears!

Arms up again!

She loves walking into her brother's arms, and they love when she walks to them. They always get so excited. "Mom! Leila is walking all by herself!"

She has also mastered the stairs. We have to get the gate out now.

We've been teaching her how to go down them backwards, and she's got it down, but every once in a while we catch her trying to walk down forwards. We still have to watch her really closely on the stairs!

Brock got this beautiful picture of her leaning on the wall. We just love our Leilabug!


  1. Good job Leila! She is seriously adorable!

  2. Wow, walking. It just happens so fast!!

    Love mom

  3. She is so darn cute! I hope she teaches Lauren to walk soon so they can play together. Just think... next summer is going to be SO much fun with these two!
