Friday, June 24, 2011

T-Ball is Over

Spring season of T-ball ended the second week of June, and Jace had so much fun. I asked him if he likes t-ball or soccer better, and he said t-ball because you get to hit the ball with a bat. His skills improved, although, he still gets a little bored playing outfield, and comes up with fun ways to keep himself entertained. Sometimes it's playing with the other kids, and sometimes it's picking grass. You know, the usual.

Here he is up to bat. He hits the ball when it's pitched and doesn't have to use the tee.

Here he is waiting to run. You can tell he is just itching to go. Twiddling his thumbs, rocking on his feet. So enthused!

And he's off!

Running into home base. I told him to slide. He doesn't quite know how to do that yet!

Grandma and Grandpa K came to almost every game. Leila appreciated the pillow!

Trying to get the runner out at first base.

Again. He loves playing first and third bases. It's where most of the action happens. As soon as they go outfield, he starts yelling, "I want first, I want first!" He even had a really good play when he was playing 3rd base and caught the ball and got the kid out! He was so happy!

He's got quite the arm!

Here is one of the ways he likes to keep himself entertained. Maybe you can't tell, but he is hitting the girl's helmet with his arm. He does it over and over, and when she turns around he acts like he's not doing anything. Once, while playing 3rd base, he would fill his mitt with grass between each batter, and as each new kid would run to his base he would dump the grass on them. I'm sure everyone on the opposing teams just loves Jace.

Whenever he reaches his base, he pops his knuckles by pulling on his fingers. Oops! I may have taught him that habit!

At the end of the game they all come in to talk with Coach Skee.

Giving a cheer for the other team

Here he is getting his trophy.

Here is the whole team with Coaches Skee Fox, Todd Jones, and Kyle Crockett. Jace is on the right in the back.

Here he is with his prized trophy.

We have just loved watching Jace play sports. He has a lot of fun, and gets better each year. We're really excited to have Nixon join in next year! We just signed him up for fall soccer!

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