Monday, August 22, 2011

Girl's Camp Bear Lake!

Theme "Superhero Training Camp" "STC" - "In a world full of Pop Heroes, Fantasy Heroes, and Sports Heroes, we should never forget to look to the real heroes for real courage, real strength, and real stories" - Steven Nethercott
We focused on being super heroes ourselves and the strong women in the scriptures. We had the best camp directors, and the whole week was so awesome! We got to go to Bear Lake and stayed in Jules families amazing Condo. The Priesthood would give us a hard time about it not camping - we would just laugh. We had a blast! The girls were ALL amazing and I got to know them each so much more. Going to camp as a leader is SO much fun! We got less sleep than the girls. We would stay up really late talking, and eating delicious raspberry shakes, and I loved every minute!

Leaving bright and early on Wednesday

We stopped in Logan Canyon for our hike, and some certification.

We got to swim and sit in the hot tube every day.

That night we gathered around the fire pit and had a wonderful devotional about feeling the Holy Ghost and following the promptings. It was really really good.
While we were waiting for our tinfoil dinners to cook I braided every ones hair. All but 2 of the girls had at least one braid, if not more.

Yeah - they really were that good!

After we got the girls in bed a couple of us snuck out to go get us Bear Lake yummy Raspberry shakes and then we would stayed up late, chatting away.

The next morning we had pancakes. I had to show everyone the proper way of eating pancakes...or waffles, or french toast for that matter. With peanut butter! Lynette's new favorite!

Most of the other leaders arrived after breakfast, and we took the girls to go hike the Minnetonka Cave in Idaho. It was beautiful!

Here we are before the hike. We pretty much had to take a jumping picture at every opportunity.

Me, Lynette, and Angie

The leaders (minus Cheryl, she came after the hike). Some of the time we thought we were having more fun than the girls!

Me and Lynette - LOVE HER!

Inside the cave we had to climb over 888 stairs! I literally counted all of the steps on the way back. I counted 445, so I must have counted something that wasn't an "actual" stair. I couldn't believe I was that close though!

It was awesome. It was so beautiful inside.

Yes, Jules really bit Lynette!

While we were in there we got all the way to the back of the cave and we had them shut the lights off. It was pitch black. You couldn't even see your own hand in front of your face. There was a railing inside that you had to hold onto so that you didn't lose your way, and the girls had to follow the "iron rod" back to the light. It was kind of creepy walking in pitch black just holding onto a rod toward this light. It was a great experience, and I know the girls got a lot out of it!
After the hike/climb. Try to remember that even though there are hardly any pictures for proof, this was an actual girls camp, with teenage girls. It wasn't just all about us! (you might have a hard time convincing us of that though!)

Brock was nice enough to volunteer to come to camp as one of the priesthood brethren required to be there at all times. He came up Thursday night, and stayed the rest of the time. He and Ronnie, the other priesthood, went out for us this time and got us shakes and fries! Here we all are, again after the girls went to bed, with milkshake mustaches!

This was one the highlights of camp! We named it the "flinger", and it was hilarious! Sheree brought it up, and basically it's like a big rubber band that flings you everywhere while you are in it!

And, it ends with all of us falling!

We got to go boating on the lake. I am so glad we got to do this. It was some of the girls first times EVER on a boat let alone on a tube. These girls experienced so many new things at this girls camp. They loved it. They would go to bed so tired by the time we were done each day.

Jules, me, and Lynette

Lynette and I even got to tube together for a minute. We had a blast, even though I was a bit of a tube hog!

More flinger time with the leaders. Jules, Me, Angie, and Lynette

That evening we had the Bishop and his wife come up for a yummy dinner and a testimony meeting. It was amazing. Some of the girls bore their testimony twice that night! I felt like the girls "got it". It was really sweet to hear some of them thank us for all of our hard work, and tell us how much they love and appreciate us. I just love the Young Women in our ward.

Our Presidency. I honestly Love these women, and it breaks my heart that Cheryl is moving and the presidency is breaking up. We'll find out on Sunday who's taking over, and I just know I am going to cry all day!

Jules, Cheryl, Lynette, Me, and Lyndsey

Our last night, and our last jump shot!

Our bishop showed us his skills!

It was a lot of work getting ready for camp. All of us worked so hard and I am so happy with how it turned out. We have awesome young women and awesome leaders, if I do say so myself!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun!! Looks like you have a cute ward! We had a "flinger" when I was younger & we LOVED it!! We called it a "Lycra Tube" It seriously was our FAVORITE outside activity!! & Of course- we had our crashes! LoL
    So fun!
