Monday, August 15, 2011

Justin's 35th Birthday!

Nolan and Treo were in town for the weekend, so Dane and Annie decided to bless their sweet baby girl Aria on Sunday. Since Dane and Annie live in my parent's house while they're in Malaysia, we got to go to our old ward! It was a little bit strange to be back in the ward that we all grew up in, and spent so many Sundays with. Dane gave a sweet blessing, and it was good to catch up with those who still live in that ward.

Afterwards, Justin and Maria had invited us to go up into the canyon to have a BBQ for Justin's birthday. The picnic area we planned on was full, so the next best thing, well, maybe a park would have been the next best thing, so the next to the next best thing...Julia's house! She lives right down from Millcreek Canyon where we were going to picnic, so we all gathered at her house. We had hot dogs, and salad, and chips, and chatted, and played, and then had cake and ice cream to celebrate Justin's big day.

Leila wanted to sit with Jace, so he helped her up.

Leila with her cousin Jaylee

And with Kash. He's not too sure about her.

Brock was playing with all the kids the whole time! He was DRENCHED in sweat! Literally dripping! They loved every second of it! He's definitely the cool uncle!

Jaylee and Nixon. It looks like Nixon got a little sweaty too!

Love these two. Leah and Jace

Nixon taking his turn rolling down the hill.

As usual, Leila could be found sitting here alone, eating.

I love that she is puckering and giving him kisses, but looking at something else.

The birthday boy!

We're all singing to him right now. Just imagine it. It was pretty good.

Treo, Nolan, and Kash

Maria serving up cake and ice cream.

Brock took the boys up on the roof. They thought they were pretty cool.

They even ate their cake and ice cream up there.

Then everyone had to get up. Brock was a little nervous.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jen! Great post and pictures. For some reason I can't get all the pictures, but the ones I saw were great!

    Love, Dad
