Friday, September 2, 2011


College football started this week, and to celebrate, our awesome neighbors, the Johnsens, put on a BBQ for all the Utah fans in our neighborhood. The invitation said to wear your Ute gear, and bring a side dish enough for 12 people to celebrate the Utes being in the Pac 12 this year! We got all dressed up and headed out. We brought Rice Eccles Krispie Treats :) Jake and Erin had made hot dogs and Pac 12 ounce steaks! Delish!

Here are the boys sporting their new jerseys and hats. It's weird, but we couldn't find one small enough for Nix.

We didn't have anything for Leila at the time (I have since been to the Utah Book store and bought her a cute cheerleading outfit), so she is wearing one of the boys old jerseys. Good thing she's wearing the bow, because that shirt kind of makes her look like a boy!

Love these 3!

This picture makes me laugh every time!

There we go. She's calmed down a bit. I forgot to get a family picture, but I'm sure you can imagine.

A few of the kids playing on the tramp.

Some of the desserts.

Jake got his flag out and played the fight song. Everyone was clapping and singing along.

They had a fun little "roller coaster" probably made for a 1 year old, but all of the kids lined up to do it over and over again!

They also had a bean bag toss. Jace got in on it.

One guy even brought his drum from his college days, and played for us! It was pretty cool! Lynette told everyone that I used to cheer for the U, but I couldn't even remember the dance to the fight song! 10 years has been too long!

Leila got on the roller coaster and loved it!

Well, maybe not. (see what I mean about no bow?)

Lynette brought her flinger, and we got in on the action. I did it, but again, Brock doesn't really think about grabbing the camera for moments like that :) Here he is with some of the men.

Nixon got on the roller coaster.

Leila had to try it again. She looks a little nervous...

But no, this time she loved it!

Thank you so much to the Johnsen's and everyone for the delicious food! We had so much fun, and just love our neighborhood so much. At one point, some BYU fans came over with water balloons and water guns. We all put our names in to win some Utah stuff. Some car stickers, car flags, and I even won a shirt! Too bad it's double XL! Anyway, it was so much fun, and again, I love our neighborhood!

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