Friday, September 2, 2011

Jace's "Real" First Day of School

Jace started school for real this week. He had class every day, and although he didn't tell us very much about it (he is a boy after all), we can tell that he is just loving it. Daddy took him on Monday and got some pictures. When I picked him up, he got the biggest smile on his face when he saw me. I asked him how it was, and he said, "Good." Yup, that's about all I get every day, but his face says it all. He did tell me that he went to the playground twice, and had a snack. I guess those are the memorable things. I ask him if he learned any one's name, and he says he did, but he can't remember. I ask him what it's like when his teacher puts on her "French" necklace and starts speaking in French, and he says it's kind of strange not being able to understand her. Well, he doesn't say anything, and then I ask if it's kind of strange not being able to understand her, and he says yes. That's how it's been all week. He has had homework every night, and it's been pretty rough on him. Day 1: Tell your family 3 things that happened in Kindergarten today. Day 2: Memorize your phone number and write it 3 times. Day 3: Memorize your address and recite it 5 times. Day 4: Come up with a code word for your family and talk about stranger danger. Pretty rough indeed. It has been so much fun having a child in kindergarten, and it's only been a week! He had show and tell on Friday, and it was "red day" so he wore his soccer jersey which is red and black. His whole soccer team wore their shirts so that was fun. I just can't believe my little boy is growing up! I'm so proud! I am so glad that Brock and I made the decision to have me only work part time, because I have loved being able to pick him up each day. It's such a special time in his life, and I know how important it is that I be present. More important than money, I guess. So Brock drops him off every morning, and I pick him up at 11:30. I am so happy that it works out so well.

Here he is in the parking lot.

In front of his new school. Foxboro Elementary. Would someone get that kid a haircut??!!

Brock doesn't check all the details like make sure his back pack is on all the way before taking pictures. And maybe get his hair out of his eyes.

The kindergartners have their own playground. Jace gets to play for a minute in the morning before school starts.

Getting all lined up to go to class.

Boy, he must love the ladies! Are there any boys in his class?

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