Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hair Cuts

Jace and Nixon were way over due for hair cuts. I took them to my cute neighbor Angie, and she did a great job. Jace was very particular, and only wanted his bangs cut, wait, scratch that. Trimmed. Just a trim. He loves his long hair, and isn't ready to part with it yet.

After: These pictures don't do it justice. It looks really cute. It was still wet, and not really settling yet. It looks a little 70's here.

Nixon likes his short, and it was getting too long.


After: Here's our cute little man!

I continue to remain hopeful that one day, Leila will actually need a hair cut. As for now, she still has no hair to cut!

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are so stinkin' adorable!!! I mean I'm sure you know that, but you should know I think so too :) Love you!
