Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend at the Cabin

This past weekend we had so much fun celebrating Labor Day, or at least taking advantage of the fact that we didn't have work or school on Monday! Saturday morning Brock, Dale, and Brett left around 6:00am to head up to Heber to go golfing. The ladies and kiddos headed out around 9:30 to the outlets in Park City and did some shopping. We then headed to Swiss Days where we shopped some more, met up with the men, and shopped a little more. We then went to Dairy Keen for a delicious lunch before going to the cabin for the rest of the weekend.
We got there, and had to get a picture of the grandkids on the swing. I was pretty surprised with how many good ones I got.
Jace, Leila, Nixon, Griffin, Beckett

We played, I got a puzzle going, we had dinner, and the boys even slept out in a tent! I can not believe I didn't get one picture of that!

The next morning Kallie, Brett, Griffin, and Natalie headed out to hike Mt. Baldy, Brock and I went on an 8 mile run, and Grandma and Grandpa K, Brenda, Chloe, and all the other kids walked to Bear River Station to get a treat. Brock and I are in the middle of training for a half marathon at the end of October, and I didn't want to miss my long run, but wow this one was hard! We were in a higher elevation, but the hard part was that we ran 4 miles out and it was at a slight downhill the whole way except for the very beginning which was a big down hill. What does that mean? Well, we had to run the last 4 on a slight uphill with a big uphill for about the last half mile! It was hot, and it was hard, but we did it. Here is how slow of a runner I am too. Brock would run ahead until he got to a mile, stop, do some push-ups, sit-ups, stretch a bit, and then run back to wherever I was. By that point I'd be at the mile marker. Then he'd do it all over again. He did this for all 8 miles. He's freaking amazing.

That day the boys had fun playing on Uncle Brian's car.

Then they all went to the river. I stayed back because Leila was napping. She took a nice long 3 hour nap. I tried to nap too, but maybe got a half hour. I don't know what was up. I didn't mind getting in some good puzzle time though while she slept and the cabin was quiet.

Then I painted Leila's toe nails. She thought is was really fun and would say "Oooooh" with each nail I finished. Then she'd try to touch it. I had to push her hands away a million times and hurry to blow them dry as fast as I could. I got them all painted except 2, when she crawled away and wouldn't let me finish.

Here she is saying OOOOOOOH!

We looked over and noticed these two digging around for something to eat. We don't even know how they got the fridge opened!

The boys opted not to sleep in the tent the second night because of how cold it got the night before. Nixon and Beckett were a little upset, but fell asleep before it really mattered.

The next morning Dale and Brock went to get a 4 wheeler from Bear River Station. We spent the next 4 hours taking turns going on rides.

Here's Nixon Brock and Jace

Leila playing while they were gone

I have a picture of myself at almost this exact age in a chair almost exactly like this one. I couldn't resist taking a picture of my Leila girl.

Then we had to get a picture of our family on the swing. It's tradition.

Nixon, Leila, and I getting ready to go for a ride.

The boys had fun playing cards with Grandpa. Slap Jack is always their game of choice.

Nixon got it!

Now it's Jace's turn. Grandpa is not quite as nice as he was with Nixon.

Jace said he won, but Grandpa said his hand was down first. Jace said, "But my thumb is under your hand." I had to get a picture for proof. Sorry Grandpa, Jace is right!

We decided to go on one more trip down to the river. We stopped at the swing first.

We made it down, and this was Leila's first time walking around. She was a little unsure of all the rocks.

Jace wanted to dip his hair in the freezing water.

And then catch the dripping water on his tongue. We told him not to swallow it, so he'd spit it out.

You can see Uncle Brett in the back ground walking across the river.

Pretty soon all the shoes and socks were off, and the kids were dipping their toesies.

Leila would pull her legs up because the water was so cold!

They each wanted to take a turn having daddy dip their heads in the water. Silly kids.

Cute hairdos!

Becks wanted a turn too.

A cute picture of the kids each throwing rocks in the water.

We had to stop on the way back and swing again. This time Leila and I got in on it.

She was loving it!

Another successful cabin trip behind us. We're lucky to have such a fun place to escape to a few times a year.

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