Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day Two: Swimming

We swam all morning the next day. The kids have a blast swimming with Daddy!

This trick was "freaking Jace out!"

Leila was loving it!

Nixon had fun hanging out in the kid pool.

Jace loves not having to wear his floaties. He is getting so good at swimming on his own. He swam from one end of the pool to the other with no floaties, and no help from Mom or Dad. Then, he had to show off for Daddy and Aunt Brenda and swim there and back! He is awesome! He's our little fish! He would stay in the water from the time we got to the pool to the time we left every day.

I had to get a picture of Leila's long flowing locks!

She liked the little pool too because she could walk around.

Daddy thought she needed some "under water time". She wasn't too big of a fan, but didn't cry.

Brett tied the noodle around Beckett for more floatation. Beckett loved it!

Jace and Nixon love to blow into the noodles and spray water at each other.

After swimming, Daddy, Brett, and Grandpa went golfing, so the rest of us went to lunch, and then to an Animal Museum. I didn't take my camera, so I got a few pictures on my phone, but don't have them downloaded yet.

That night, Natalie, Kallie, and Grandma went to see "Grease" and when the boys got home from Golfing we went to dinner. Fun-filled day number 2.

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