Tuesday, October 25, 2011

UEA Weekend in St. George

Day One: The drive down, and "The Little Mermaid"

I always think it's amazing that kids can fall asleep in their car seats sitting straight up. Here are a couple shots of Nixon on the drive down.

We got to the hotel, and got checked in, and then pretty much had to leave for the show. We went to "The Little Mermaid" at Tuacahn theater, and it was really fun. The show was talked up a little too much, so I was kind of disappointed, but overall it was good. We just wish the girl who played Ariel was a little bit of a better singer. Well, a lot better. I felt like I was partially disappointed because it is my favorite Disney movie, and I just wanted it to be exactly like the movie. Of course it couldn't be. I loved all the songs from the movie, and I loved the way they did everything, and the scenery, but any time they sang an original song I was bored. Anyway, enough about that. Here are some pictures. We only brought Jace with us.

Grandma K, Natalie, and Kallie came too.

We grabbed a quick bite to eat before the show started.

Waiting for the show to start. I wish you could see the background. Tuacahn is absolutely beautiful!

Good thing we only brought Jace, because at intermission he was ready to go home. He laid down and slept the rest of the show.

I'm glad we went, and I did like it, but it wasn't the most amazing show I'd ever seen, like I was expecting it to be.

1 comment:

  1. Well that stinks! That's exactly what happened to me and "Wicked". Everyone said it was the most amazing show ever and after seeing it I was wondering what the big deal was with it and why it was so popular.

    I too was worried about the lead singer and if she'd live up to the original but luckily I was not disappointed. I wonder if you had the same lead as when I saw it. That stinks that you were a tad let down. I hate when that happens. I LOVED it but I went in with zero expectations, no one had told me a thing about it. Looks like you had a really fun trip though!
