Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Can't I just leave the kids alone for a second to get some stuff done around here??? I guess not. We are going to St. George tomorrow, so I was packing all the kids and myself, and doing laundry, and after a while I went in to Nixon and Jace's room to find Nixon on his bed with Leila and...MARKERS! Green and orange markers. I wouldn't have cared if he had just kept it on their skin, but no, he had to go and mark up her brand new sweater, jeans, and boots! SO MAD! I was even mad while taking pictures. It came out of the sweater, but the test will be the suede boots. I can't wash them! Today was her first day wearing them, and yes, I'm still mad.

Luckily, he used orange on her boots, and you can't see it very well. And in these pictures you can't see any of it at all on her clothes, but it's there! NIXON!!!!


  1. I love the fashionable boots! Can she walk in them? Love the faces too.


  2. :) kids! I am so in love with her boots! Hope they clean up.
