Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jace's 6th Birthday!

In keeping with our tradition, Brock snuck in and hung 6 balloons in Jace's room for him to wake up and see on his birthday. I just love this tradition. I had already gone to work by the time they all woke up, but I made sure Brock took some pictures.

I just can not believe that it has been 6 years since Jace was born. I feel like he's been a part of my life forever. Words can't even begin to express my feelings for this boy. I love him so much. I feel so blessed to be his mom, and to get be a part of his life forever. He amazes me on a daily basis with how smart and funny he is. He is such a good big brother - always to Leila, and usually to Nixon ;). He takes such good care of them, and is really their protector and teacher. He is such a good helper for me and Daddy. He loves learning new things, playing video games, playing soccer and t-ball, and watching shows. His favorites right now are Phineas and Ferb, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins. He loves Disney channel, and will watch pretty much anything that comes on, cartoon or not. He wants to be Indiana Jones again for Halloween, and still loves to play that game on his DS or XBox. He has lost his two bottom teeth, and at his dentist appointment the other day, he had his 6 year molars, and no cavities! He won't let us cut his hair. He loves his long hair. He wants to wear his super hero tennis shoes that light up when he walks every day, everywhere, but other than that he's not picky about his clothes. I have to take advantage of this, because I know it won't be that way with Miss Leila. He loves Kindergarten, and is doing very well. I am so glad that he is learning French. I think it will be advantageous later in life. I just love this little guy so much, and I hope he had a very happy birthday!

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