Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jace's Party at G and G K's

Well, the partying continued on Sunday, the 2nd at Grandma and Grandpa K's house. We were just going to have one big party with my family and Brock's on Monday, but Natalie was going out of town, and didn't want to miss it.
It started with Aunt Brenda bringing this popper. Jace was too afraid to do it himself so he had daddy help. He kept his head down the whole time!

Yay! Confetti!

We moved inside for presents.

Kung Fu Panda 2 for his DS. He really wanted this. It's the one thing he asked for. He's played it every day since.

Aunt Brenda got him a remote control spider. He's controlling it here.

We're really liking his long hair now, and we're glad he wouldn't let us cut it.

He kept blowing and blowing, but for some reason they kept lighting back up!

Nixon and Beckett finally got in there to help. We're pretty sure the top of that cake was covered in spit after they got done!

Playing with his new Bey Blades. Daddy and Uncle Brett had to get in on this one too.

Aunt Natalie reading to the kiddos.

And apparently it was the funniest book Leila's ever heard! Or maybe I just asked her to smile, and this is what I got.

Had to get a picture of me and my big boy. I just love him so much!

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful to see a little boy so loved by so many!!!

    Love Granny
