Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Bunch of Sickies!

I don't know what it is this holiday season, but somehow I have had sick kids all the way through!  First, they all took their turns with a day of throwing up a couple of weeks ago.  Then, Nixon got Pink Eye somewhere.  We had to give him drops 3 times a day for 5 days.  NOT FUN!  On the 5th day, his other eye was goopy and pink.  GREAT! 5 more days.  The next day, Leila woke up with it in one of her eyes.  Lovely.  Now it's drops for 2 kids 3 times a day.  Then, Christmas Day Nixon was so sick throwing up again!  The fun wasn't over yet.  On Leila's last day of drops she woke up with the other eye all yucky.  Are you kidding me???  More drops.  At least that all seems to be over now.  (knock on wood)  Okay, so then two days ago Leila has awful diarrhea and throws up.  Yesterday, New Year's Eve, she still has diarrhea, and poops all over her pajamas and bed.  I bring her in bed with us around 7:00am.  She starts dry heaving and I run her to the bathroom.  She throws up.  She then sleeps until 10:00 when I have to wake her up so that I can go get the boys from their Primary activity.  She's tired, and just wants to cuddle.  We get home around 10:30 and she falls asleep again.  We eat lunch, and neither she nor Nixon is interested.  She sleeps most of the day until 4:00pm.  We went out to dinner with Brock's family at the Spaghetti Factory, and Leila now seems totally fine.  She's eating, playing, back to her normal self.  Now Nixon won't touch his food.  He says he feels like he might throw up.  I don't believe him because he says that to get out of eating, and he was just sick a week ago, he can't be sick again right?  He says he needs to go to the bathroom, so I take him.  He's in there for EVER!  Diarrhea.  Awesome.  Then, as soon as he's done, I go in to help him, and he looks at me, and I know!  I turn him around and he pukes into the toilet.  A lot.  WHAT THE HECK!!!  Sick on another holiday?!?!?  I get him cleaned up, and he now wants all of his dinner.  He and Leila were both fine the rest of the night, and still seem perfectly okay this morning.  I hope this is the last of the sickness for the season at the Keddington home!  I am so sick of changing sheets, clothes, diapers, and watching my children suffer! 


  1. Those are the hard days that is for sure.

    Love Mom

  2. That sucks, I was just getting ready to blog about our New Years Day and it consisted of the same thing. Not quite as bad but it still sucked!!
