Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve started out with Leila being sick (refer to previous post).  Then at 9:00am the boys had their beginning of the year- meet your new primary teacher activity.  I can't believe Nixon is in Primary!  He'll be just about the oldest since he turns 4 in February, but I still can't believe it!  I had to wake Leila up at 10:00 to go pick the boys up since Brock was out running. Nixon seemed a little sad, and unlike himself, but I just figured he was nervous around all the new people.  He ate his donut and orange juice, so I didn't think much of it.  We came home and played Rayman on the Wii for a while, and then Grandpa K came over to watch the Utes play in the Sun Bowl.  What a game!  I fell asleep and woke up with 1:34 left in the game and we were down 17-24.  My heart immediately started racing, and didn't stop until it was over!  Luckily we scored right away, and then went into overtime.  The Utes pulled it out when Georgia Tech only scored a field goal, and we got the touch down!  YESSSSS!
We went to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa K, the Handys, the Miners, and Grandma B.  Spaghetti Factory, yum!  It was great except for the fun half hour or so of Nixon being sick (again, refer to previous post).  We then came home, changed the kids into their pj's, and headed up to Grandma and Grandpa K's for games, treats, fireworks, and lots of fun ringing in the New Year.

Leila and Griffin

The boys doing poppers

The adults played fun games while the kids were downstairs doing who knows what

The kids love playing with my new Ipad

We played some Wii

The boys all got these jammies for Christmas, and just happened to all wear them!  Leila wanted to be in the picture, and I tried to cut her out, but she snuck in too close.  Good thing she's cute!

Watching fireworks from the warmth of the house

Then it was outside for noise makers!  They were so loud!

And silly string


Some more poppers


New Year's Kiss!
This year has been really great for our family.  Brock has a job that he really likes, and I was able to work most of the year as well, and now am enjoying being at home with our kids.  Brock is still serving as Gospel Doctrine teacher in our ward, and is excited about getting to teach the Book of Mormon.  As is true with all callings in the church, he feels that he learns more than he is able to teach.  He does such a great job, I am glad that I get to attend his class.  I am still the Beehive Advisor, and love working with the young women.  They make me so happy.  Jace started Kindergarten, and his first year in the French Immersion Program.  He has really amazed us with all of the things he is learning, and when we had Parent/Teacher conferences, Brock and I got to listen to him converse with his teacher.  She spoke completely in French to him, and he understood and replied!  It is truly amazing, and we are so grateful that he got in to the program. He is a great reader, and is learning more and more about math, and other things as well.  All I ever hear about is what he did at recess though.  It seems to be all he cares to remember about his day!  He is such a good big brother, and rarely does anything he's not supposed to.  He is Leila's protector (mostly from Nixon), and truly loves and takes care of her.  Nixon is in his 2nd year of preschool, and loving it.  He goes to Woods Cross preschool with Shauna, and we feel blessed to be able to take him there.  He is so so sweet, and just loves to give hugs and kisses.  Most of the time though, he is starting some kind of fight with Jace or Leila.  He is just at that age - that age where he wants to be independent and not do anything his parents or brother and sister want him to do.  So fun.  We keep telling ourselves it's a phase, and it will be better when he's 5!  Another year!  (Please let that be true!)  He went to primary for the first time today, and I just can't believe he's getting so big - old - he's still tiny!  Leila has been a joy to our family this past year.  We now have a house with babies, and pink, and dolls, and bows!  She is so quick to smile and wants to make sure everyone is happy.  If one of the boys gets in trouble (even if it's for hurting her) she goes to him in time out to keep him company.  She is a doll, and we love having her in our family.  We have been so very blessed this past year, and look forward to 2012, and all that it will bring.


  1. fun night indeed! Poor little Nixon. In primary yesterday he was sitting and there was no teacher forever and he says out loud - where is my teacher? Everyone laughed - he is so cute! He was REALLY good too!
    This is a little cheesy but I am so glad we have become such good friends in 2011 - here is 2012 :) told you cheesey!

  2. Looks like such a fun night, despite the sickness that Nixon got. Darn it! I really hope that your family is done being sick. Like you said, there is nothing worse than watching your kids suffer.
