Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Date With My Boys

 I was lucky enough to get to take my two favorite boys on a movie date the other day.  My boys watch Disney channel pretty much constantly around here, and they had been promoting Beauty and the Beast in 3D.  Jace knew what day it was coming out, and said all week that on Saturday we were going to go see it.  Well, as usually happens, he got his way.  We couldn't justify spending $40 so that the whole family could go, so I ended up taking them.  Brock was pretty heart broken.  He did get to spend a fun afternoon with the little miss though, and that is pretty lucky!  I only  had my crappy little camera though, so the pictures aren't very good.

They've got their snacks and their glasses, and are ready!

I started taking pictures right as the previews were starting, so Nixon was never looking at the camera

At least he's smiling even though he's watching the previews too.

I sure love these two!

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