Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Some of the cute girls in my ward invited us to Winterfest at the Southtown Expo Center.  The kids had so much fun!  There were fun bouncy slides and they got to jump and run and play.  Leila fell asleep on the way there, and slept until about 20 minutes before we left.  I love that my kids can sleep anywhere!  I only had my small camera so the pics aren't that great.
When we first got there Jace was holding Maddie's hand.  It was so dang cute, but Lynette and I couldn't get our cameras out fast enough!  He's pulling her towards the bounce houses.

Jace and Nix had so much fun trying to tackle each other on the way down.

 Nixon and Jace always have to bend the rules.  Nixon started climbing up the walls of the thing, so then Jace had to, and then every boy there had to.  It was pretty funny.

Earlier in the day Nixon had slammed his forehead into our TV stand and had a huge goose egg.  I wanted to get a picture of it, but you can't really tell here.  It was awful!

They needed a rest after all the jumping.

 Then it was time for face painting.  Jace wanted this creepy snake creature, and got it.  All of the girls were afraid!  Nixon wanted to be Spiderman. 
She was afraid of getting paint into his wound, so she painted around it.

All of the little girls that we came with were butterflies, and Jace was running around chasing them saying "I eat butterflies!"  They would all scream and run away.  It was so funny.  Then Nixon got in on the chasing too. 

Madelyn was his favorite butterfly.  He caught her and was pretending to bite her!
Here is the whole group with all of their faces painted.
We told everyone to hug each other, and naturally, these two went for each other.  Love them!

Me and my cute kiddos.

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