Monday, March 12, 2012

Get Air!

Since Brock had to work kind of late on Nixon's birthday, we decided to go out the next night.  We went to McDonald's for dinner, Nixon's choice of course, and then headed to a fun trampoline place in Kaysville called Get Air.  It is a huge room covered in trampolines and fun foam pits to jump into.  Dale and Shauna brought Beckett, and the kids had so much fun!  Brock and I even got into it!

Nixon took this picture of Brock and I jumping.  Pretty good, right?

My gymnastics days came right back to me!

I missed the flip.  This was right before his sweet flip!

Beckett loved the foam pits the best.

Jace doing a spin jump.

Leila didn't much like jumping, so she'd sit down and slowly fall into the pit.

This is dark because Brock was so far away, but Jace and I tried to climb to the blue mat on top.  We both ended up making it by the end of the night!

Trying to get away from Jace

Leila loved to climb up and slide down over and over.

She got a little mad when we had to leave.

We don't take celebrating lightly around here!  I think this is the last of the birthday celebrations for a while!

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