Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nixon is 4!!

February 28th, Nixon woke up to 4 balloons hanging from the ceiling, and knew that meant that it was finally his actual birthday, and he was 4!  This little man makes us so happy!   He got to go on a field trip at school to the museum, and had so much fun.  Then when Daddy got home from work he opened presents.  He got Star Wars III for the XBox, a soccer ball for the upcoming season, some fun walkie talkies that look like Iphones, and a fun hot potato game.  He had a really fun day.
I took him in for his 4 year well check a few days later, and he did great.  I kept telling him all morning that the doctor would want him to eat breakfast, and the doctor would not want to know that he cried over something as silly as his granola bar breaking in half, and the doctor wouldn't want to hear that he wouldn't let me brush his teeth...etc.  When we finally got to his appointment, he looked really sad when I went to get him out of his car seat.  I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "I don't want the doctor to take away my four."  I guess I had scared him with all of my threats about what the doctor would and wouldn't want to hear, and he thought he was going to still have to be three!  I told him that no matter how the appointment goes, he will still be 4 because he already had his birthday, and that he is such a good boy, that she'll let him be 4 anyway.  He said, "So the doctor won't take away my four?"  It was seriously the sweetest thing I've ever heard! 
We got to see how big he is, and as we already know...he's TINY!  He was 29.6 lbs, (<5%), and 37" (5%).  I opted to get him his Kindergarten shots even though he won't start for another year, so he had to get 3 shots.  That was rough.  He was super brave as I held his arms down and two nurses gave him a shot in each leg.  Then he got a second in one leg.  By that time he was crying pretty good.  Poor kid.  I figured, at least it's over and done, and we don't have to worry about it next year!  While we were there, the doctor listened to his lungs and heard some wheezing.  He's had a cough for a little while, but I didn't think it was serious enough to take him in.  Anyway, she gave him a breathing treatment while we were there, and wrote a prescription for some meds.  We went to the store to get it, and I told him that since he was such a good boy, he could pick out a treat.  He said he already had a treat (they gave him a sucker at the dr.) and he didn't want another one.  Um, yeah, those words have never come out of his mouth!  But, whatever!  Okay, no treat. 
Nixon is my little shadow these days.  He follows me around everywhere, and has to be where I am.  Sometimes I'll lay down while Leila's napping to get a nap, and he always comes and lies right next to me, usually way too close for comfort, and just sits there.  He'll play with my hair, or rub my face. Cute right? Well yeah, unless you're trying to take a nap and that just wakes you up.  He's also nice enough to whisper if he needs something.  It won't wake me up if he whispers.  "Mom?"  "What Nix?" "I need to go potty."  "Okay.  Go."  "Okay."  You know, important things like that.  When the kids go upstairs at night to watch their shows while daddy and I get to watch ours downstairs, Nixon always ends up down with us.  He loves to be with us right now.  It's sweet, and I know it will all come to an end too soon.  He loves his siblings, although he fights constantly with both of them.  And he is a fierce protector of both of them, but especially his baby sister.  If someone at school, or a playground, or church, or anywhere tries to take her toy, or is bugging her in any way, he comes to her rescue.  "That is my baby sisters!  She was playing with it first!"  or "Leave my sister alone!"  Somehow though, that doesn't come home with us.  He shoves her and hits her, and yells at her.  He also hugs her and kisses her, and talks sweetly to her.  "Here you go sweety."  He screams at a pitch that no one can get near to, and does it when he's mad, or happy, or excited, so pretty much all the time.  He has one volume...LOUD!!  He makes us crazy a lot, but he honestly is so so sweet too, and our lives just wouldn't be the same without him!  We just love our Nixon!  Happy Happy birthday buddy!

I don't know what the mad face is all about!

Star Wars THREE!

Me and my big boy!

1 comment:

  1. I loved-loved-loved this post Jenn. What a sweet boy Nixon is. Your writing is beautiful too.

    Love, Dad
