Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Leila is 2!!

Our little Leila Jade turned 2 on April 14th.  I can not believe that my baby is 2!!  She sure lights up our lives!  I took her to her 2 year well check, and she weighed in at 24 lbs. 8 oz. which is the 25th percentile.  She is 34 inches tall, which is the 55th percentile, and her head is 19 inches - 70th percentile.  She was very nervous at her appointment.  She doesn't like unfamiliar people to touch her, so she pretty much cried any time anyone came near her.  I think with her two surgeries, and getting her ears pierced last week, she pretty much thinks that any stranger coming close to her is going to hurt her!  The doctor was able to get her all checked out though, and she is perfect!
Leila love love loves animals right now.  She loves to see ammals at the zoo, and she brings me her ammal book 50 times a day.  She loves to make ammal noises, and can knows just about any animal you ask her.  She loves her brothers, and would rather play with them than anyone else.  She knows that it breaks my heart when she cries from her bed "Ho me mommy!"  so if she really wants me to hold her, that's what she'll yell.  She still has hardly any hair, and really loves to pull out her pony tails if I put them in.  She won't keep a bow on her head for more than 5 minutes either.  Luckily, I love to dress her in the cutest girliest clothes, so there is no mistaking her for a boy!  She loves to take her shoes off, and drives me crazy on a day when we are going to several different places because every time we get to the next place, without fail, her shoes are off.  Usually her socks too.  I have to put socks back on, then shoes, and usually bow or pony tail too.  Then it's into the store, back out, and it starts over again when we arrive at the next place.  (As I am writing this, she is yelling at me to "weed ammal book! WEED!"  Read animal book)  She really doesn't like getting dressed in the morning or after baths.  Her favorite thing right now is being NAKE!  She loves to run around naked and yell Nake! Nake!  We have learned though, that she can't be trusted for more than a few minutes without her diaper on!  We have convinced her that she is still nake even with a diaper on!  She fights with us every time she has to get dressed.  She is in nursery of course, and still cries every time we drop her off.  I think it's just become habit, and what she does, because after about 30 seconds, she stops and sings at singing time, and loves to play with her friends.  She is so loving, and whenever her brothers get in trouble, even if its for hurting her, she goes to them and tries to make sure they're okay.  She does that to mommy and daddy too.  She knows if we're having a bad day, and can make us feel better.  She loves to sing, and will get the hymn book in church and sing as loud as she can nonsense words along with the congregation.  She is growing up so fast, and we love having this sweet girl in our family!

She woke up to balloons in her bedroom!  Yay!  Boons!

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