Monday, May 14, 2012

Maui: Day 6

We started Thursday out at the "new pool" as Jace called it.  It was new because we hadn't swam there yet.  There's a pretty waterfall at this one, and a basketball hoop.

We headed back over to the Pirate ship.  Jace and Brock were hanging out in the shade.

And Nixon was being a little fish!  He got really good at going under water and swimming.

That night we had a BBQ out at the pool.  We had hamburgers and hotdogs, potato salad, my mom's famous cole slaw, chips, and all the fixins.  It was delicious.  Since we were by the pool, the kids had to swim.  I love that it's still warm enough at night to swim.  Brock and I got a few pictures in the sunset.  I wish I knew a little bit more about my camera, so that I could adjust the lighting!  I didn't know how to make the flash come on all the time.  So some of the pictures look great, and some are just silhouettes.  I wore a florescent tank underneath, so it looks like it's glowing!

There is a fun little playground right next to the Pirate Ship pool, and we had a little fun.  I wanted to see if I could do a pull up, so then everyone had to try.  Brock even whipped out the one armed!  I turned my camera to the night setting, so some of the pictures are blurry.  Dane and Annie had gone inside already.
 Julia needed a little assistance.

 I had to get a little bit of a swing going, but I got one!

 Nolan told everyone that I was the "bent arm hang" champion in high school, so we had to have a contest.  Julia, Treo, and I, and then Nolan and Brock.  Treo won the girls (I gave up before I needed to ;)), and after hanging forever ..Brock won the boys.  Their faces were so dang funny as they started to fall!

 No one took a picture of the girls actually doing it, so we jumped up for a picture.
 Then all the kids wanted to try it too!
Kash and Leila

Jace, Jaylee, and Nixon

 Nolan and Treo wanted a couple of pictures in the sunset.

 Then someone snapped this when we weren't looking!  Just joking.

Nixon and Leila kept getting in and out of the pool.  And I had to get a picture of what it looks like when you don't wear a swim diaper!  Ghetto Booty!

Another great day together. 

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