Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Maui: Day 7

Friday Grandpa, Justin, Nolan, and Brock all went golfing and left around 5:30am.  They were going 18 holes so they wanted to get an early start.  The rest of us swam at the Pirate Ship.  When the guys were done golfing they came out and we were all there together this time.  It is so fun to see someone in my family everywhere I look! 

Treo wanted to get a picture of all of the siblings.  Aren't we so cute?!

Granny and Grandpa enjoying the shade with Aria again.

 Before dinner, we went out with Nolan's family to get some family pictures by the beach.  They turned out pretty cute!  I took about a million, but I'll just put my favorites here. (So there are only about a hundred :))



In this one we said 1 2 3 jump!  I guess Treo and I were on the same count, but no one else was!


 Again, Treo and I are on the same count!



I told Jace not to stand in the water, and then of course it came crashing into him before I noticed!  It made for a good picture!  But we did have to run back and change before dinner!

Leila was a little wary of the water again.  I love watching the progression of her nervousness in the faces she makes.
She's just fine here

She's noticing it coming out of the corner of her eye

It's coming!!
So serious!

 I wanted some of my kiddos.  Man, am I in love with these three!

Sure love this guy!

Kash never really warmed up to me the whole vacation!  He didn't want to smile for me!

Cute Miss Jaylee Joy

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