Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Maui: Day 8, Our Last Day

On Saturday, our last day, we spent the morning packing and getting ready for 10:00 check out.  The hotel held our bags for us, so we were able to get one more full day of swimming and playing in.  I wanted a picture of us on our balcony, so Jace took one of me and Brock.  It's just a little dark :)

The kids loved playing on this playground all week.  They would swim until they got cold, and then play here until they got hot, and then swim, and then play.  It was so nice to have the playground right next to the pool.

After our morning swim at the pool with the slide, we all went to get some lunch at a Mexican place called Cilantros.  Then we headed back to the hotel for some more swimming.  Someone left this fun blow up alligator, and our kids had so much fun on it!

Those who had had enough of the sun and water hung around in the shade.

Dane and Annie had brought cute outfuts and wanted some pictures taken.  Again, I took about a million and tried to just pick a few.  I failed, there are a ton.






 Then Leah wanted me to take a picture of her in the middle of a cartwheel.

And Bella wanted me to take a picture of her hula dancing.  It's a little harder to capture!

When we had all had our fill of swimming and it was time to get ready to go, we all went to the hotel lounge and locker room.  They had showers and a big vanity to get ready, and the lounge had a tv and couches.  It was so nice not to have to get on the plane all gross!  As we were walking on the hotel grounds on our way out for the last time, Jace asked me to take a picture of him on the playground so that he would remember it.  He is so funny!

We left the hotel around 5:00, and headed to the airport to drop Nolan's family off.  Their flight left a couple of hours before ours did.  Then we went to dinner at Da Kitchen in Kahului, just a few minutes from the airport.  They had HUGE portions!  I got the fish and chips, and they were so so good!  I was so happy to finally have gotten my wish for delicious fish and chips!  There were three HUGE pieces of fish, and I had to stuff myself silly just to get two down!  So good though. 
We then headed to the airport where Julia found out that her 10:40pm flight had been changed to 9:40pm! She had to run to catch her flight!  Good thing we were early enough!  Not only that though, she was supposed to have a 45 minute layover in LAX and get in to SLC at 10:15am the next day, but they re routed her through Denver where she had a 3 hour layover, and didn't get in until 12:30pm!  Our flight left on time, and we got home around 10:30 on Sunday, Mother's Day.  I didn't get any pictures on the plane on our outbound flight, so I took a few on the return flight. I got to sit by Jace and Nixon, and Jace was asleep before the plane even took off. 

 Leila was lucky and got to sit between Justin and Daddy.

 The kids did really well.  Leila slept the whole way.  Jace tossed a little bit, but mostly slept.  Nixon had the hardest time getting and staying comfortable in his middle seat, but he mostly slept.  Leila was still asleep through the landing and deplaning.

 We had about an hour and a half in LAX before our next flight.  We tried to eat a little.  Here is everyone hanging out.

On the small plane to SLC we all sat right next to each other. 
 Leila thought it was fun to play with Granny.
 Jace liked sitting next to Grandpa.
 And I got to sit by Nixon again.

What a wonderful experience this was.  It is always so much fun to be with my family.  I love hanging out, talking, laughing, playing games, and just being with them.  We may never do this again on such a grand scale, but as long as we keep getting together, it won't matter where we are. As long as we're all together it will be a great time! 

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