Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Father's Day/Granny;s 60th Birthday

We had a big 60th birthday celebration for Granny, and it just happened to fall on Father's Day.  In the morning we celebrated our daddy and gave him his presents.  Unfortunately, Brock and I were asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting that day, so his celebrating was short-lived, and followed by nervousness and anxiety.  The talks went well, and we could relax again.  After church we went to Granny and Grandpa's house to celebrate my dad and Grandpa, and then my mom for her 60th birthday.

Brock is just the greatest dad.  He was made for this job.  There really is no one better, and though I try to tell him, I definitely don't tell him enough.  He's that dad who comes in the door from work, and is immediately playing with the kids before he can even change out of his work clothes.  He never turns them down for TV, or relaxing, or anything else.  He plays with them until bed time, and even then he is the one who does the bed time routing.  Getting jammies, reading stories, saying prayers, and then he lies with Leila until she (and he usually) falls asleep.  He is just so good.  The kids and I are beyond lucky to have him.

 Grandpa Sanders had a couple of cards and presents to open.  We're so glad we still get to celebrate with him.

 Talon had to squeeze in some Aunt Julia time since he doesn't get to see her enough.

Then Grandpa got to open some cards and presents too.

 Then it was granny's turn.  I had seen an idea where you put a book together with as many letters and people would write and thought that would be such a fun thing to do for my mom.  So a couple of months before this, I sent out a mass email to all of her friends and family and asked for them to write a letter to my mom for her big 6-0.  Emails started rolling in, and by the time we celebrated, we had a binder full of letters.  I am so glad it was such a success, and judging by the face that she was crying just seeing the names of people who had written, I think she liked it.  I especially loved the letter from my dad, so I asked her to read it aloud to everyone there.  She couldn't get through it, so Julia had to finish.  It was so beautiful.  Such a fun-filled day of celebration!

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