Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Talon Tastes Green Beans

Since our baby boy is 6 months now, we decided to start him on fruits and veggies.  I like to try the veggies before the fruits, so that he learns to like the yucky stuff before the good stuff.  I figured I'd better start with the worst of all...Green Beans!  Ha!  All of my other kids reacted pretty much the same way by swallowing, making a face, and then opening their mouth for more.  Not Talon.  He really wanted nothing to do with these yucky green beans.  At first it didn't seem too bad.  He even smiled, but we couldn't even get through a whole package.  He was crying pretty good, so we gave up.  We tried squash, and sweet potatoes, and carrots too (on other days), but it wasn't until I gave him fruits that he finished the whole thing in one sitting.  Now, of course, he loves it all, and one package is never enough!  It just took a little bit of warming up to it all.

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