Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Leila is 4!!

Where has the time gone??  I can not believe my baby girl is 4 years old!  We just love our princess so much, and we are so glad that she is a part of our family.  She is so sweet, loving, gentle, imaginative, and also very wild, tough, crazy, and like her brothers.  She loves to help with Talon.  She always helps me clean her room, and wants to make her bed by herself.  She loves to play with her friends, and when they're not around, she plays with her dollies.  I love listening by her door, and catching the conversations that she has with her dolls.  She cracks me up!  She is so silly, and is always trying to make people laugh.  She's pretty stubborn, and can cry about something through a whole grocery store trip, just to prove her point.  Half the time she doesn't even remember why she's crying, but it doesn't matter.  She still cries.  She loves to get dressed up, and doesn't usually want help.  I always pick out her outfits still (and I will for as long as I can!) but she wants me to get out of her room while she gets ready.  Not because of modesty or embarrassment, but because she doesn't want me bugging her to hurry up.  She tries to play the XBox and the Wii with her brothers, much to their dismay, but she's learning.  She gave her first talk in primary, and did great.  She's not very shy.  She told me the other day that she wants to be a mom when she grows up, and I love that.  She truly adds so much to our family, and I am so grateful to be her mom.

Birthday morning, she got to open a few presents

With her cute older brothers (Talon was still sleeping)
The kids had had a sleepover downstairs because the boys are off track, so her birthday balloons were down there

We went to McDonalds for birthday lunch with Granny, and invited Jessi and her kids to come along

Talon is happy any time ice cream is involved

But gets really mad if you take it away

Such cute kids

Leila was wiped out, and fell asleep on the way home from lunch

We got together with our friends at Heather's parent's house for a fun Easter egg hunt that night.
Here is Jace doing a magic trick for everyone.

Leila's friends were so nice to bring her presents.  This one from Iza and Maddie

Austin and Addy


And Lauren

We had a quick family home evening lesson on Easter by Kylie

And then the hunt was on!

We brought some cupcakes, and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Leila

1 comment:

  1. great age, her legs up on the sofa I can see the outline of her little 4 yr oldpussy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so nice
