Wednesday, May 28, 2014

St. George

I really wanted to do something fun while the boys were off track, so I asked Nolan and Treo if we could crash with them for a few days in St. George.  We left Brock at home since we were going during the week, and headed out from Tuesday to Friday.  We had so much fun, like always, and it was so nice to be in warmer weather!

Jaylee wanted to paint Leila's fingernails

She did a great job!
Then of course we had to go swimming.  The kids all loved playing on this floatie

Leila and Kash's turn

You kind of can't tell, but Jace is in the air about to hit the water in this pic

Talon snoozed

I let him hang in Liv's floatie in the hot tub when he woke up

He really did like it, I swear!

Leila took about 5 pictures, but Talon just wanted to look at the wate
Talon loved throwing the balls around

The kids were all so excited to get to all sleep in the living room together

The next day was more swimming!  I packed a lunch for the kids and we had a picnic at the pool

My kids love to play school, and Jace is usually the teacher

We went to the splash pad to play that night

Liv and Talon loved these slides

It was kind of windy, but the kids still braved the splash pad

When we got home we had brownies and ice cream to celebrate Leila and Treo's birthdays

I love this picture!  Nolan is totally making Kash not blow out the candles!

On Friday, our last day, we went to the pool one last time before we started the drive home.

Leila and Jaylee had twinner suits (and are probably wearing the same size)

Jace played with Talon the whole time!  So sweet!  He must have chased the ball and thrown it to Talon a million times!  Talon loved it, and it never got old!

Cute babies.  They just want to be eating... all the time.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how hard I am looking at the little girls in bikinis but it feels so nice knowing they turn me on
