Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas EVE!

I love Christmas Eve almost as much as Christmas day!  The excitement, and anticipation, getting together with family, and doing so many fun traditions.  I just love it.  It all makes me so happy.

Nixon heard Talon, and went and brought him into my bed.  I love morning cuddles with my babies.

We went to Kallie and Brett's house for steak dinner.

We watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas, like we do each year.  Brock has been reading it to the kids at bed time every night, so our kids have it memorized.

Aunt Brenda always brings props for a live nativity.
Leila really wanted to be the sheep

But we were finally able to talk her into being Mary.  Nixon was Joseph, and Talon a wiseman.  
It ended up being Danny as an angel, Leila as Mary with her baby doll as Jesus, Nixon as Joseph, Griffin as the sheep, and Beckett, Talon and Jace and the wisemen.

We specifically had Leila bring her baby doll, and let her open this present 

Matching jammies for her doll!

 Then, all the kids got to open their present from Grandma B.

Leila's was this cute pots and pans dish set

Talon got these balls that he was so happy about!

And all the big boys got...

Money!  20 one dollar bills!

They all thought that was so cool!
 Then it was time for poppers!
Leila needed a little help to pop hers

Our annual crown picture

 Then we got a cute picture with all the kids in their Christmas jammies.  Beckett's were the same as our big boys, and Griffin and Talon's matched, and so did Leila and Gracie!  We didn't even plan that!

 When we got home, we were all so excited to go to bed and let Santa come!  I had to get a couple of pictures in front of the tree, and then get cookies and Mt. Dew for Santa, but then it was off to bed!

Uncle Justin came over around 10:00pm to spend the night and Christmas morning with us.  He had to work Christmas day, and Maria was in Logan, so we thought it would be fun to have him with us so he wasn't lonely.  He went in and said Hi to the kids, and they were so excited to have him there.

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