Sunday, December 28, 2014


Christmas was perfect!  I loved every minute of it!  It hadn't snowed the whole month of December, and we woke up to a white Christmas!  It was beautiful!  For the last two Christmas's we had someone throwing up, and miserable as we opened gifts, and this year no one was sick!  It was so funny, Brock and I woke up around 6:00am, and couldn't fall back asleep!  We were both so excited!  We finally went in and woke the kids up at like 7:20 because we couldn't wait any longer!

The 3 older kids all slept together in Nixon's room

The kids in the hallway, waiting to go around the corner to see if Santa had come

Looks like He made it to our house!

The cookies and Mt. Dew were gone!

The kids checking out their stockings

Santa even got us all Lagoon Season Passes!

This cute kitchen was from mom and dad

Talon loved his Mickey Mouse book

I love this cute board that Brock surprised me with!  We always say Love You More!

Nixon and Leila each got their own phones to play games on!

The kids wanted to get Uncle Justin a present for being the best babysitter!

A BYU shirt

After we were done with our family gifts and gifts from Santa, we said goodbye to Justin who had to go to work, and we headed to Grandma and Grandpa K's house for more presents, and a delicious breakfast of scones, hashbrowns, bacon, and sausage.
Leila got a puppy surprise, and it had 3 babies!

Nixon got the one thing he really wanted!  A Zoomer Zuppy!

The older kids all got these fun sleds
Then Grandma and Grandpa told us to go downstairs for one more present.

These super cute fun chairs for all the big kids!

And these awesome slides for the baby boys!

Lynette had gotten our family snow paint for Christmas a few weeks earlier, and since today was the first snow on the ground, they made us bring the paint so they could finally use it!

After a couple of fun hours with the Keddingtons, it was time to head over to Granny and Grandpa Sanders condo for more presents, and their annual smorgasbord!

Each of the kids got a book and a fun toy

Talon's present was bigger than him!

A fun slide!

Talon loved his book about farm animals, and wanted Grandpa to read it to him

I made the yearly calendar for everyone
We stayed there until about 5:00, when we went to Grandma B's for dinner, and more presents!  Ham, and potatoes, corn, and orange rolls.  So good.
We were all pretty tired after a full, busy day.

The kids got these fun, huge nerf guns from the Miners

And Talon got his own baseball and tee!

When we got home that night, all the kids wanted to get in the bath so that they could use their new washclothes that Santa had put in their stockings.  Leila always sees me do this with my towels when I get out of the shower, so she wanted to try it.  So cute!

What a fun-filled, crazy, awesome day.  We are so blessed.  I love being so close to both mine and Brock's families so that we don't have to choose who we spend the holiday with.  It is crazy, and busy, but I love it, and I wouldn't want it any other way.  We are so grateful for our Savior, and his birth.  I love this time of year, and I am so sad that Christmas is over, just like that.  Luckily New Year's is just around the corner, so it keeps us in the holiday spirit!

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