Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pictures from 2007

Okay, I know there are a lot of pictures here to look at. It was fun looking at all the things we did last year. I had to pick these out of about 650 pictures, so it could have been worse. Hope you enjoy!


Monday, January 28, 2008

Getting To Know You


A. The rules are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names; then goes to there blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged.

10 years ago:
I was about to turn 16. My birthday is February 22, so my parents decided to let me go to Sweetheart's Dance since I was so close to turning 16. I went with Danny Gutierrez! HA HA! I was cheerleading, and loving every minute of being a sophomore in High School.

Snacks I enjoy:
I love pink lady apples. I think I have had one every day since I became pregnant. I love chocolate and can not get enough (hence the 30 lb. weight gain so far this pregnancy). And I love pepperoncini peppers. They are the ones in the salad at Olive Garden. I have a jar of them in my refrigerator all the time.

5 things on my to-do-list today:
Am I supposed to have a to-do list?
Actually, I have a really bad cold and don't feel like doing much. So far, I have watched some T.V., played with Jace, I took a bath, read some of my book, and now I am working on my blog, so overall, a good day.

Things I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
I might open up a cute little boutique, or day spa, or something like that. I would vacation all the time, and I would stop worrying about finances obviously.

3 of my bad habits:
1. I am a procrastonator, big time. I wish I could make a list of things to do,and do them before I get frazzled.
2. I have NO self control. Seriously. I can not do diets, stick to work out regimens, NOTHING! I am the worst!
3. I watch too much T.V. Every night Brock and I have a list of shows that we DVR and have to watch. Of course, since the writers strike that has all changed.

5 places I have lived:
1. Pittsburg, CA
2. Sandy, UT
3. Rexburg, ID
4. Peachtree City, GA
5. North Salt Lake, UT

Jobs I have had:
Oh gosh, I don't want to bore you. I think I have worked in every type of business, in every position. Some for a week, some for years. In fact, Wednesday is my last day working at the Universtiy Hospital and I probably won't work for a while now since I'm about to have baby number 2, but knowing me, I will probably find something again.

Things people don't know about me:
1. I have a self-diagnosed anxiety disorder. I have a really hard time being in a group of people that I don't know. It is impossible for me to introduce myself to someone I don't know. Because of this, I have often times been thought to be stuck-up or mean. But truly, it is an awful thing that I can not get over.
2. I love nothing more than being with family and friends.
3. I would love to live in Hawaii. Brock and I are trying to think of some way to get ourselves there.

I am tagging: No one, I think everyone has been tagged.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Things not to say to a Pregnant Woman

1. You look like you're due any minute!
2. Are you sure you're not having twins?
3. How much longer do you have? ... WOW!
4. Did you get this big with the last one?
5. Oh, you poor thing.

Yes, I know I'm huge. My excuse is that I am really short and my babies have nowhere to go but OUT! Of course, the truth is probably that since Halloween I haven't stopped eating everything in sight, but hey, I don't get to do that very often so "when in Rome..." right? And yes, I have received all of these comments and they started a couple of weeks ago. I have another month and a half to go and don't think I'm going to make it if people keep telling me how big I am. Don't they think I know. Jace was 8 pounds 11 ounces, so I asked my doctor if she would induce me. She said that she would for sure do it one week early, and depending on how I'm dilating and so on, she might do it sooner than that! WOO HOO! All those of you who have had babies know that every day counts! Anyway, I just needed to get that off my belly, oops, I mean my chest!

P.S. Next time any of you see me you should say, WOW you look great! What are you, five months pregnant? I'll know you're lying, but it will make me feel good.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Another Year Has Gone

Okay, so I guess everybody's doing it, so I will too. 2007 flew by just like every year before. Brock has been steadily working for Spring Communications, and loving it. While I, on the other hand, have jumped from Delta, to staying home, to working at the University of Utah Hospital. I made the hard decision to quit working for Delta Air Lines after 5 and 1/2 years. I quit in May and wanted to take the summer off to play with Jace. The scheduling there is so demanding since they are open 24/7/365, and even though 5 years seems like a lot, you don't get weekends and holidays off until you've been working there for at least 10 or 15 years. I decided it was more important to get back to going to church every week, and be home with Jace.
I really have been wanting to get a tattoo, so for my 25th birthday Brock and I did it! It hurt really bad, but we are happy with the results. Brock got a J intertwined with the infinity sign on the inside of his left bicep, and I got a star with the letter B in it on the left side of my left foot. How romantic right!?
Jace and I got season passes to Cherry Hill and went about 2 or 3 times every week. It was a lot of fun all summer.
In June I found out that I was pregnant again. Luckily, Brock and I are pretty blessed in the baby making area. We wanted our babies 2 and 1/2 years apart, and that they will be. We both hoped for another boy (I guess we would have been happy with a girl) and found out shortly after that a boy we were having! Yay! Brock's sister Kallie is due in February, me in March, and my brother Nolan's wife Treo is due in July, so lots of cousins for Jace.
I decided after summer was over that maybe I wanted to go back to work part time. Kallie works in the Plastic Surgery Department at the Univ. Hospital and said they were looking for someone part time so I jumped on it! Hello BOOB JOB! Just kidding! I work there twice a week for 5 or 6 hours a day. I know, really hard. Jace gets to go to Grandma Shauna's school while I work, and he loves it. I do love to see him get excited and yell MOMMY! when I get there to pick him up. Its one of my favorite things.
We've had a few close calls this year. A few months back Jace was walking on the treadmill with Grandma, luckily just 1 mile and hour, and his fingers got caught up in it. Just his pinky and ring finger, and since it was going so slow, and grandma acted so quickly to turn it off, no lasting affects. Just some scrapes. Then, and unfortunately, I have to blame this one on myself, I was in the shower and Jace thought it would be fun to open all the drawers on our dresser. Well, it got a little top heavy and tipped over dropping our 80 pound t.v. right on top of him. I jumped out of the shower, soaking wet, threw the t.v. off of him and he was crying, I was crying holding him, making sure there was no blood. Not only was there no blood, but no marks whatsoever. Over the next few days we waited for bruises to show up, but nothing. Wow! Blessed again.
Then just a few weeks ago, on our way to meet my family in Midway, we were hit by a huge truck while going probably 70 mph on the freeway. He hit our back right bumper which sent us fishtailing and then slammed head first into the median. We slid sideways for about 50 yards or so. The airbags went off and seatbelts kept us all safe. I hurt my knee somehow, maybe on the dashboard, and Brock hurt his thumb when his airbag deployed. I was really afraid for my baby since the seatbelt hit so hard right on my stomach so they had an ambulance come. Jace on the other hand was fine. He was a little shaken up and scared like Brock and I were. And again, after a couple of hours being monitered at the hospital we found out that I was fine, the baby was doing great, and we lucked out again. The first thing the cops and the witnesses said was that someone must have said their prayers, because they could not believe that our Jeep didn't roll. We have been so blessed.
We had really great holidays and ate way too much. The fact that I am 7 months pregnant didn't help. I just kept telling myself that I am going to get fat anyway, I may as well eat everything in sight! I have already gained 28 pounds! I am well on my way to surpass the 40 pounds from my first. Hopefully I'll lose it all again.
Well, that is our year. I hope this one is less eventful.
P.S. Until we get our computer fixed I won't be able to post pictures, so hopefully we'll do it soon.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another BABY BOY!!!

Okay, so yes, I will have another baby boy in 2 months. I can't believe it. I am really excited, but really scared. I think I know what to expect, but last time there was just me and the baby, no two year old running around. Every once in a while I sit back and start thinking about how much I am going to miss my Jace. I feel like I am going to have to give this new baby all of my attention and Jace will be put on the back burner. (Not literally, I hope) I find myself looking at him longer, hugging him longer, talking to him more, and just trying to be more involved. I feel like as I get closer and closer (and bigger and bigger) I am getting more and more sad about losing him. It seems like Jace will become Brock's baby, and I will have the new one. I am going to miss him. Will I love this baby as much as Jace? Everyone says yes, and I know I will, but its hard to imagine.