Monday, September 29, 2008


"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is almost nothing that I love more than being with my friends. I have been so blessed to have the most amazing, caring, funny, silly friends. This past weekend all my girls from high school (well, most of them) were able to leave our children and husbands behind, and spend a night downtown in a hotel. We had sooooo much fun. I just want to say thank you to all of them for remaining my closest friends through all of these years. The last time I was up until 3 or 4 in the morning was probably when Brock and I were dating! We laughed, and cried (not all of you were there when tears were shed, but those who were, thanks for listening and sharing). We played, and ate, and soaked illegally. I love you all. Thank you for all you do for me. Lets do it again soon.

And remember, this Wednesday, my house at 1:00.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Visit with a Fire Fighter

Learning about fire safety.

Inside the fire engine. Jace is in the front of course.

He got to spray the hose. He loved it!

In his whole gettup. Some of the kids were a little frightened. Mostly the little girls.

They got to see the inside of an ambulance.

And of course, they all got cute fire hats and stickers to wear.

One of the men in our ward works as a fire fighter at the station just up the street from us, so a bunch of us thought it would be fun to take our kids for a tour. Jace loved every second of it. He ran from place to place making sure to be the first in line, and the closest to the cool fireman. Thanks ladies for making this possible!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bungee Jumping in Whistler, BC Canada

Okay, so I know this is old, but I just got the DVD with the pictures on it. We jumped from a 160 foot bridge over a beautiful river. It was seriously so much fun! Its so funny to see my pictures because as I was falling, it was as if I couldn't move. I stay in the same position the whole time on the initial fall. Always with a smile on my face though. It was awesome!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jace goes to Preschool

Some of you have said that your kids needed to hold your hand the whole way in, not Jace

I wanna do it myself mommy!

Notice the other kids hugging their dad, crying that He has to leave, not Jace.

He had to bring his balloon

Okay, so I felt a little weird taking pictures of Jace's "first day of school" because he has been going to this day care/preschool since he was 8 weeks old. But he will be three in a couple of weeks and can now attend the preschool part of it. He was excited to be there, and waved me off like always. There are a couple of ladies that teach, one of which is Brock's mom, Shauna. Jace loves to go to school and see grandma. He gets whatever he wants, the rules don't really apply to him, or so he thinks. The other day they were playing on the playground and all the kids took their shoes off. The other teacher told them all to put them back on, and of course, everyone did...except Jace. She told him to put his shoes on, and he looked around, and back at her, and said, "Where's my grandma?" in a matter of fact tone, like, I guess you don't know how it works around here. I am allowed to do whatever I want, whenever I want, just ask grandma. She started laughing, and told Shauna, who of course had to tell us. He is such a brat!

Ward Campout

Last weekend Brock and I took the boys on our ward campout. We are on the activities committee, so we had to go, but we did have a good time. It was in Coalville, which is about 20 miles past Park City, and we got there around 7:30 Friday night. Just in time to set up our tent (in the dark, with no instructions), roast marshmellows, tell stories, and drink hot chocolate. It was FREEZING! We all huddled around the fire until we decided to go to bed. Brock and I had a pretty miserable night trying to stay close for warmth, and worrying about the boys. Jace slept just fine the whole night, Nixon woke up once and got mad when we tried to stick a frozen binkie in his mouth. Luckily he only cried until his binkie warmed up, and then he fell asleep. He was so bundled, he kind of felt sweaty, but I was just glad he wasn't as cold as I was. Brock and I tried to spoon, but we couldn't get comfortable and warm. Needless to say, we were exausted the next morning, and all day Saturday. We had french toast, hashbrowns, sausage, and hot chocolate for breakfast which was so yummy. Then we packed it up and headed home. Next year I will suggest going in July!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Jaylee's Blessing in St. George

Nolan and Treo decided to have Jaylee's baby blessing this past weekend, so my parents and all of my siblings made our way down to St. George. We stayed in a nice condo and spent our time swimming, golfing, watching lots of football (my whole family roots for BYU, while Brock and I were outnumbered cheering for Utah. Luckily they both won!) eating some great food, and just spending time with each other. The weather was a lovely 100 degrees (BLECH!), so I took the boys swimming in the morning while Brock was golfing, then I went again by myself during the BYU game, and then Brock joined the boys and I between games. It seemed like I was in the pool all day!
Sunday was really nice. Nolan gave a beautiful blessing that had us all in tears, and then we went to Treo's Brother's house for lunch and dessert afterwards. We all headed back up North and realized that the weekend went by far too quickly. I love to see Nolan and Treo so much, and wish they lived closer, but it was really nice to get to hang out with them all weekend. Thanks for being such great hosts! Love you guys, hope to see you soon!